
I asked for season 1 and 2 DVDs for Christmas so I hope to be knowledgeable in this area in 3 months. Since it's (essentially) cancelled should I just wait for a Complete Series Set?

You have to see Snatchers, if only for the dog with the man's head.

This makes me think of Jancee Dunn's memoir where she revealed that she's named after JC Penney's because her dad worked for them.

Did they lodge themselves in your windshield? Because Struck is a late Stuart Gordon movie that is pretty unsung. In fact, a lot of Gordon's post-Reanimator output is pretty okay. It just doesn't reach the heights of a severed head using its severed body to perform oral on a co-ed.

I agree. I have this vague feeling that the "musical episode" was already cliche by the time Once More With Feeling came around but it may be the best.

"I put my peanuts in it!"

I guess Britta would be the Alyson Hannigan of the group. Singing ability-wise I mean.

[Incredulous] Oh I don't know. (I forgot MST3K quotes.)

10,000 comments will require several quote threads. Community and related Simpsons, Arrested Development, Seinfeld, The Wire, Buffy, 30 Rock, It's Always Sunny, etc. quotes here.

Would You Rather in podcasting started with Jordan, Jesse, Go and The Master of Would You Rather, Jim Real. And the fun was in the question, like would you rather be a great, celebrated writer or best friends with Batman.

Okay, I take back Mystics in Bali, if only because I forgot about the pig transformation scene. Truthfully, I love a lot of those movies!

Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge - Freddy's coming out
Frankenhooker - Super crack explosion
Burial Ground - Boob chomp
Hard Rock Zombies - Zombie eats own face
Dead Heat - Zombie butcher shop
Mystics in Bali - Floating head eats baby
Evilspeak - Pigs attack
Shriek of the Mutilated - Yeti pokes his head into the

I love when Busey blows up the first machine.

No, no, no. The best part in Prophecy is when the bear kills the kid in the sleeping bag.

Stop Podcasting Yourself this week told Podmass to go f—- itself. They were being facetious but, really, it's the best podcast out there.

You could have said something nice about my profiteroles

Agreed, Cabin Fever 2 is great. It's the movie with the greatest disparity between how much I liked it and the reviews it got, even from horror fans.

The best part of them still updating the old stories is you'll often watch a story, hope that they caught the guy and at the end they'll say, "This person was caught, convicted, did their time and they are now free."

When are you guys going to do Great Scott!?

I'd love to see Moonlighting too and it would finally get me to buy season 3.