
Annie's Boons
How could a show about Annie's boobs not involve any monkeys?

You know what else dates the movie? All the dates in it.

American Movie Trailer
Since I'm on the fourth page currently I don't feel bad wasting your time with this. I've always loved the American Movie trailer:

I liked it a lot. I disliked Lost after the first two episodes. If this show steals from Lost but turns out competent I'm all for it.

Yo Al-ex
I'm just figuring out when I heard people reference this movie I thought they were talking about My Demon Lover with Scott Valentine.

Guy, give him a break. He's short in Hollywood. That's like being in the no-man's-land of between skinny and fat for a female actress.

Is this what happened in the season premiere of Kate Plus 8?

I have no patience for iguanas. And I won't stand for it.

I don't understand why he was so careful in cleaning up Marvin in the off chance that they would be stopped by the police on the way to the junkyard but would then speed, increasing that chance immensely.

You're thinking of Robocop 3. And you're not thinking of Tom Noonan. You're thinking of Rip Torn, CCH Pounder, Stephen Root, Robert DoQui, Jill Hennessy and Mako.

I just logged on to my internet.

I don't have a smart phone or texting. What are my options?

And to address Nathan's question about The Passion, I did have the thought during Noonan's scene that nowadays the nun would have just showed the movie.

I've heard a lot of jealously, but admiring jealousy, about how much new material he can come up with in his act.

My office (at a state job) had the same problem until they updated recently.

If Fast Times at Ridgemont High wasn't watched there's more regrets to be had. And it should all have ended with Ghost World.

I imagined the lead character as kind of a Janeane Garofalo.

Where is Bucky and what has he had?

I was sad when I heard those DVDs were recalled and I'd never get to see that ending. Until right now when I remembered that the Internet has video now and it's there on youtube.

Hey!, I just mentioned The Adventures of Ford Fairlane up (down) there and almost referred to Englund specifically. At least he had the make-up in NoES.