
Yes, thank you. I went through 4 pages of comments just searching for the word Ghost. I remember my girlfriend being horrified that I liked GW better than Memento that year.

I didn't remember either but I found it on YouTube

I'd add the train on fire. People criticize that movie for just being a series of set pieces without considering that that's a legitimate way to tell a story.

I was just going to list all the plausible reasons hydrophobic aliens would come to Earth but decided I was too embarrassed to show how much I've thought about it. I'll just say it's not that much of a stretch if you don't assume it was an attempted invasion.

Marry, Boff, Kill
Marry- Carol Hannah
Boff- Althea
Kill- Irina

I can only assume Firefly is in some other burglary news story. But does that really make sense?

I watch MST3K whenever I have a touch of satan. Za!

This is the exact list I was going to contribute, with the exception of Madman. I'm not sure what that is.


Are you from the future where automobiles have become obsolete? It's not Planes, Trains and Laser Discs.

Did anybody watch another giant robot cartoon called Tranzor Z? It had a lady robot that shot her breast missles.

She actually broke off an engagement with Brad Pitt. It was a good move. He would've just left her for a baby-collecting skeleton with lips.

No show that reenacted a scene from the documentary DiG! or had Sebastian Bach singing Hollaback Girl or had Norman Mailer as a guest star could be all bad.

I vote for going to the Blue Moon after. The cheese curds are the best and their drinks are strong. Those may be related.

I like movies with exclamation points. Saved!, Baadasssss!, Anvil! The Story of Anvil, Airplane!, The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!, Tora! Tora! Tora!, SLC Punk!, That Thing You Do!, Mars Attacks!, Three Amigos!, Zombie Strippers! They're usually good.

Don't be too sure about liking Diary if you liked Land of the Dead. Land of the Dead was great and you could tell it was a Romero movie. Diary could be any direct to DVD zombie movie.

I remember thinking the CGI looked really cool when the movie was first on cable. But it was never realistic. Now it looks like the step after wire framing you see in the 'making of' special feature of current movies.

I just read this article to see if Rollie Fingers was mentioned. I am satisfied.

Speaking of horror movies, my FAVORITE cliche is that all that's ever on television late a night in a movie is an old monster movie. Only because I wish it were true in real life.

1990 is very fun to watch. There's a roller skate gang and a Bob Fosse gang. A lead character that is speaking phonetically and so never shows emotion. The Bronx is supposed to be a wasteland but traffic flows freely in the background. The sequel is MST3K's Escape from the Bronx.