The other one never feels right. But I'm sure Kevin will do the noble thing and help him out with that now.
The other one never feels right. But I'm sure Kevin will do the noble thing and help him out with that now.
It was an amazing episode. I held myself together and barely teared up, but when the credits rolled, I started sobbing. Then afterwards, I felt like an idiot and was so embarrassed for myself, much like I felt for Patrick at the funeral.
I was laughing too! It was such a Patrick thing to do, monopolizing a funeral for someone he didn't even know. I did pity him though. It must be very strange and difficult to attend your first funeral in you late 20s.
Too far.
2) Murray Bartlett's dance moves to Katrina and the Waves are pretty damn hot for being so very damn white. Woof.
As good as Looking has been, it is in great need of a couple more Tovey-butt-dance-wiggles before season end.
Well he said something like: "I'm this close to falling in love with you," which sounds like someone afraid to admit his love.
Its reverse reverse (do the cha cha cha real slow) racism.
Could anyone have predicted that this would be how humanity ends? That this collective insanity would drive us to the Apocalypse? Join me into the Night, and let us meet our Dressmaker.
I turned my laptop so it was perpendicular to my eyes, and finally saw the dress as black and blue. I have been broken and remade. I have left Plato's Cave. I am who I am.
Hey, not sure if you realized, but I was simply satirizing all the commentators making the same boring gay jokes about NPH. I only replying because you seem offended or angered, and I wanted to assure u that no offense was intended. As a drunk gay guy, my mind can sometimes wander into some dark places, often…
I got hyped when I saw Brandon Routh, the man who helped me discover an alternate use for the handle of my mother's hairbrush when I saw the awful Superman Returns in my youth. And then there's Wentworth Miller, who is kinda a superhero himself in the LGBT community.
I don't think I've ever heard anyone under 70 call anyone "a real class act."
Shhhh. I've decided I need to live in a universe where Jay Leno starred in Beetleborgs.
Three years ago my brother gave me a kidney, saving my life.
Wait, wait.That was Jay Leno in the Bettleborgs? My mind has just been shattered into irreparable little pieces.
What? Who would want that? A light comedy about gay guys in SF sounds dreadful.
I came here so I could look at the picture of the guy in underwear better.
Yes I can't wait to binge-watch the series when it ends (which unfortunately may be soon, pending a renewal decision) and see how my grasp on the characters evolves when the episodes are seen back-to-back.
Brady's viral? So much for being on PreP