I think a great deal of the problem is that shows don't treat children as actual characters and instead are plot devices.
I think a great deal of the problem is that shows don't treat children as actual characters and instead are plot devices.
I watch everything on demand or prerecorded and so I usually don't actually know if what I'm watching is network or cable so I was a little nervous about that.
Believe it or not, not everyone watches Breaking Bad.
The books may decline in quality but they at least have plot and structure and consistent character development. I enjoyed them all myself, but I'm not as judgmental as most AV clubbers.
I don't get the love for this episode. I love Terry and was torn up by his death but the flashback funeral was just boring. Even when I didn't walk away from the TV I was tuning it out. The flashbacks didn't feel honest and heartfelt, and it was character material already better covered previously in the show, the…
The pack story in the show is completely different from the books.
*****book spoilers******
I don't know how far you are in the series but her relationship with Sam is telegraphed in the first books and Eric is a complete dick the last few books. It makes complete sense for the character, people are just crushing too much over the Eric character (and I admit Skarsgard is the hottest…