
It is pretty awful, actually and full of internet stupidity. Oh you meant the inevitable feminism and sex worker arguments. Yeah that is sadly missing.

Do you always need someone to tell you what to think?

If you say them often enough, you might start to believe them, and then you can pick a side.

Well you are certainly better equipped to talk about this than I am, even though I have a vagina, since you've studied feminist theory and film theory and can write a pretty interesting article.

Thank you so much for this, as I've gotten older I've come to realize how much of a trap "sex positivity" can be and I'm glad someone can articulate this better than I can.

We are all personae here.

And actually I wanted to thank you for taking up the mantle of the argument. It was nice to see someone was actually saying something other than sad jokes about three-way feminism. Such a disappointment from the AV club, usually so full of crusaders and pedantics. I am but a poor substitute really.

Wait, didn't you just say I was entertaining? Oh well, I guess I'll just have to shuffle into the corner where no one will dance with me.

No, actually I have no idea who you are personally but I can see how you behave on the comments section and it's very interesting to see how much the men like it so I guess it is very effective. I'm just glad I don't have to play that game. Oh wait, did you not realize this was a game you were playing? You think

It's pretty freeing to be yourself. I bought into that whole, I have to be that girl when I was younger and it didn't actually make me more interesting or happier, just more crazy. I can't really honestly judge how boring or interesting I am but my husband and friends seem to enjoy my company from time to time.

It's been awhile since I've read the books but I always thought of Daario as a smug douchebag, albeit one that does care for Dany.

Unless you can back it up with, I saw it on the DVD extras or the HBO websites I think it's probably best to not share.

Considering how everyone talks about how tall she is in the commentaries I'm surprised she's only 5'9". (since that is my height I guess I don't think of that being super tall) How tall is Gwendolyn Christie? 6'3" I see. She just towers over everyone, but they probably amp that effect up with trickery.

I thought she always looked pretty short (5'0" sounds right) and her figure is pretty slender, from what I've seen of her dressed up so with movie magic it's not too hard to keep her youthful. Her face structure helps too I think.

Oh yeah, every episode I think I must go visit Croatia someday.

I thought it was funny. I laughed out loud, as it were.

The change in character was pretty dramatic. It was giving me a bit of whiplash. This version feels too nice and not as true to the book's characterization. I'll withhold judgement until I see how it plays out. You're right that a more sympathetic portrayal of Daario might help TV viewers sympathize with Dany more.

She's lashing out because she's Cersei and she's incredibly self-centered.

I actually thought the article was rather interesting but the comments were pretty eye rolling.

The gushing over you and your squealing like a 12 year old girl is rather eye rolling but that's what the Suicide Girls is, you're not just taking off your clothes you are their fantasy girlfriend.