
Honestly this all felt very weak. Did they think teasing us an Elizabeth death would be viewed as clever in in juxtaposition of the overall outcome? Nina was barely given anything, anything, to do this season. It feels less like a trajectory, and more of a, "well, we put this character in a corner, so now we gotta

Kind of bummed Ben Wyatt didn't make the list.

I really hope that all-Governor promo was just for hype and that we're not getting an episode that's going to be completely through his eyes.

So no one is covering TVD anymore?

They're not censored anymore.

I learned that Charlie is brown.

There was cum on Adam after he masturbates at the end of episode five in season one. It's little, but it's there.

I don't exactly think this was a perfect episode, such as the set up felt extremely contrived. But I found the final ten minutes just to be perfect and exactly what were needed so far from this season for Hannah. I also loved her taking out his trash at the end; that accompanied with the music felt very "Charlie


Dunham wrote last week's episode along with Sarah Heyward.

The album sold over 4 million in the U.S., so I'd say the "cult hit" has its followers.

Lena Dunham just won the DGA (Director's Guild Award) for the Pilot.