
well before any of you get into anything treacherous make sure you visit discovertheforrest.org in the comfort of your home office, in fact don't really need to bother going into the forrest, just go to the fucking website. now.

that was fantastic. simply fantastic.

kelley erin
i was psyched to see more action from the new receptionist this week, though still not nearly enough. hopefully more next season when there's more time. also good to see ryan's still around doing temp work..whatever that is.

i was really looking for an hour long episode, i guess i can't complain though, since there are 26 instead of 22 episodes this season. but really, thirty minutes?

that was such a tiny joke, that you wouldn't even hear if you were already laughing, but i laughed at that for about five minutes

i was shocked by the racy nature of this joke, absolutely appalled.

aubrey plaza
i want more of the high school intern, who's name i forget, every time i see her i laugh. also, the sign on the bar clearly said no one under 21 admitted, but didn't she get in trouble for underage drinking a couple of episodes ago? tisk tisk..

him listing the band names makes me look forward to watching this on hulu all the more. overall great episode, great first season.

i was finished with rose and bernard also, she always had such a "holier than thou" attitude. i guess this kills the theory that rose and bernard were adam and eve from the caves in season one, they had a pretty nice cabin to die together in.

amen bro, i'm finished with radzinsky, and pretty much screamed in triumph when phil got stabbed by that bar.

i couldn't figure out what exactly constituted a "meat sandwich" was it meat with two pieces of meat to serve as the bread?

the island
excuse me if someone has already mentioned this, but what about the ol' island self correcting theory. maybe the island had to kill daniel, because he was onto something and could possibly change the fate of the losters. also, since daniel died on the island, and in the presence of the hostiles/others, will

even though we knew that radzinsky wasn't going to die, i was still secretly rooting for him to blow up.. i really hate that dude.

desmond lives
desmond had one line tonight, and about thirty seconds of screen time, and still he may be my all time favorite lost character.

"tear you apart" by she wants revenge.. that was bothering the hell out of me.

phillip broyles
how does broyles answer the phone when his kids call? i hope we get to see them at some point in the series. maybe at a play date with nina sharp's robot child

is that the song that was playing in the club scene right before she snaps the guy's neck?

i thought we heard walter and william talking to each other during that creepy "olive" videotape

for some reason i thought those cookies were going to play some kind of role. he seemed to really want that medic guy to have one. maybe he was dosing that guy with some kind of new virus?

definitely, i mean he was staying in a hotel in scranton. He'll be back at some point which will make for a couple of laughs considering micheal's history with the people in that position