
Ethel the Predator Goes Quantity Slaying

Yeah, Mirror's Edge had flaws, but when the game was kicking at all cylinders it was one the most adrenaline filled rides I've had in a while gaming.

One of my favorite things in the original Bad Company was the absolutely FANTASTIC sound design. It was so outstanding in fact, that it actually added greatly to my overall enjoyment of the single-player campaign (I wouldn't have enjoyed myself as much without it).

For pitching, I personally like to use the "hold" method instead of the 3-tap system. You can press the button and hold it to start the pitching meter, release the button when you have the power where you want it, and then press it again at the "sweet spot". I find this method much more enjoyable than pressing the

So the "trophy" the Predators collect from a xenomorph is technically not its skull, but its whole head.

And techinically, xenomorphs don't even have skulls. They are all exoskeleton.

Still think it's Anton . . .

Yeah, I still think Anton was involved with the shootiong for some reason.

ridethefader, that was f'ing great! LOL!

The game is difficult, but manageable if you play the game with caution. Observe your environments, always have your shield up, and walk - don't run - through a level (unless you are already familiar with it).

Wow, pretty . . .
I'm only a few hours into the single-player, but wow, this game is gorgeous. The snow looks amazaing. Drake's animations are even better than the first game (especially in the opening tutorial level). Naughty Dog really out did themselves.

I actually like Drake. His lines and comebacks are often witty and funny. It is not like I'm expecting great character development here or anything.

I haven't beaten the 1st boss yet, so I can't even level up. I made the mistake of entering the room that that first red eyed knight was guarding and that King guy that was in there totally destroyed me. He didn't even give me a chance to run away. He hit me one time and he killed me instantly, even though I was

Yeah, Demon's Souls is sweet!