Dr. Morgenstern I Presume

Trembling baby whales? C'mon now.

Agreed, not too many laughs, but I did rather enjoy the "chocolate xylophone" and accompanying "bing boong" noises.

It is more terrible than I ever dreamed. Now excuse me, I must go downvote things!

I was told I could downvote things on Monday, and now I'm here, ready to downvote.

Whoa.  Good reminder to use sunblock and wear a hat.

Me too, I thought he was hilarious tonight.  I'd like to see him catch a break every now and then.

I thought the Raj/Stuart story was pretty funny, but I seem to be the only one.  I have a soft spot for Stuart.

Give him the clamps!

Totally agree, this was a fun, standalone episode.  I laughed from start to finish.

The dog is wearing a crown.  That is all we need to see.

My favorite part of this episode was remembering the episode when they dyed the cat pink, and Dylan sang a song about "the tiny pink panther."

I'm a current resident too!  Maybe we should be friends!  Maybe we're already friends and we don't know it!

Maybe the graffiti artist meant it like "your first choice penis."  You know, your A squad penis.

Maybe I don't afford Satan the complexity and nuance he deserves.  To me, it seems like a gross oversimplification of Walt's character arch to say "oh yeah, he's the devil, duh."

I was dying to talk about Breaking Bad somewhere that wasn't impenetrably dense with many off-topic comments already, so I eagerly read this and tried to think of a non-lazy firstie.  But I too am pretty mixed on the take TVDW presents here.

Thank God, I was concerned there would be no places on the internet to discuss Breaking Bad today.

Right, right.  Thanks.

This may be answered somewhere in the comments, but I can't find it.  What did the watch on top of the telephone booth mean?

You are a monster and a hero.

Your mother sucks cocks in hell, Dexter.