Dr. Morgenstern I Presume


Deb does have a new hole for Quinn to fuck.

Dude, me too.  I like to think that my sister would [REDACTED SPOILERS IN CASE SOMEONE PLANS TO READ A 28 YEAR OLD BOOK INTENDED FOR 14 YEAR OLDS] for me too.  @Violetta Glass

@Scrawler2:disqus Oh man, you've got to read that one!  It's got everything!  I don't want to give too many spoilers, but SNAKES!  POISON! LONG LOST SIBLINGS! ORGAN DONATION!

Weekend is my favorite, though Remember Me is good too.

Britney Spears has 21 hits?  This seems unpossible.

As long as he looks very sad while doing it.


Yeah, I felt that it strained credulity to believe that the body would be cremated so fast without any sort of medical examination. Any sort of doctor would look at the body for nine seconds and know that she have the neck bruising associated with hanging.

I was a little confused about that too, but coming to you from the future, I can tell you with certainty that the baby didn't die.

I also thought it was a pretty good idea.  Plus, you probably get to travel offsite for prenatal care.  Maybe they even let the dad come see the sonogram, I don't know.

Yep, same here.  I've had at least half a dozen instances of Piper dialog that made me think "Oh hell, I think that exact sentence has come out of my mouth."  And it didn't alarm me until I read the AV Club reviews and realized how many people hate her.  <sniff> I'm not a bad person, I just also really like Neil

This was not an issue I thought much about or cared much about until someone I loved went to prison.  Fortunately, at the rate we incarcerate our population, soon most people will have first hand experience with knowing someone in lockup.

Agree with all these points.  I have a family member in prison as well, and visiting sucks so much.  We sit in a hot room for 2-3 hours waiting to be let in, then get aggressively frisked before being allowed in for a ~30 minute visit. The plus side of the frisking is that at his facility, you are allowed to hug (once

Can we talk about how unsettling the video for the song is?  Apparently the British have really bought in to the idea that Hollywood is nothing but Jews and fags, circa the 1960s parody versions of the archetypes.

Based on a faulty premise.

Ugh, THIS.  It's not even like Quinn was staking Zach out in his house.  Zach is sitting creepily in the dark in a cheap-ass car he just bought that morning.  Yes, not suspicious behavior AT ALL for a suspected murderer.


Man, you guys are mean.  Who doesn't like Ellen?  She's so nice!