Dr. Morgenstern I Presume

I kind of like it.  <shrug>  I'm from Cleveland, though.

I don't think they're being rude for no reason.  The reason is because they are drunk.

@avclub-61938d93498e7f0ed5e6527b1cee656a:disqus  She did win an Oscar, so I'd call that success.

Doesn't it seem too high or something?  Let them settle in, Haley!


I think Terry Gross is fantastic.  While her celebrity interviews are perhaps not the absolute best, she does a fantastic job with substantive guests.  i pretty much only understand the Nixon administration and the 2008 financial crisis because of interviews she did on her show.

Seriously, these were some unusually unfunny jokes this week.

I wish we could get the AV Club comments section on the TLo reviews.  Sonia does a very nice job, but TLo is unbeatable for humor and of course the PICTURES of every look.  The commentariat over there is okay, but not as good as the AV Club.  I will miss Citric and Wild World of Sporks.

Liked for sheer insanity.

An A!!! I nearly pooped myself!

I am thickheaded.  Can someone explain Megan's hypocrisy to me?

Nice.  I created my account just to point out ER characters on other shows.

You mean Nurse Taggart.

"Will he never get tired of embarrassing himself?"

I was confused when I read that, but I like the theory Todd purports.

Nina did not explicitly say "Don't give me an ugly, shapeless tent covered in craft project cutouts."  Patricia FTW!

Heh, I like the Elena comparison, but Layana is not nearly foul mouthed enough.  My love for Layana will increase exponentially if she busts out "Daniel Mustache, his banana outfit, it looks like shit" or calls a baby an asshole.

Repost from someone named "Nannypoo" on TLo's comment section:

@avclub-832f64b04453d8697cd600b74b14a1ad:disqus I like to think that with no tv, no internet, and basically nothing to do but fret about death, I would fill my time by working out or at least doing a sit-up or two.  But sadly, I think my laziness would survive even the zombie apocalypse.

Psychotic break.  I'm actually a little nervous for him now, he seemed completely unhinged.