Dr. Morgenstern I Presume

There have been people I disliked early in the season who later became my favorites (Victor and Dimitry spring to mind).  But I do not see that happening this time around.  We've got Mustache, Stanley, Patricia, Portland, Layana, and Richard.  Honestly, I don't care to see any of them make the finals.

Yeah, it's a toughie for me.  I like Samantha's body of work and her personality so much more than Richard's, but that triple-layered tutu dress should be burned.  Richard's dress I could see myself trying on, once it made it to the 75% off price bin.

I appreciated that for once, the designers' griping about atypical, non-model bodies was directed at jacked up dudes, not middle aged women.  Sort of a parity thing- it's not that designers hate porky ladies, just anything non-model.

As a female scientist, I was incensed by the ridiculously simplistic and paternalistic way the show treated the issue of gender disparity in science.  I don't expect policy prescriptions from my sit-coms, but Howard's comment about "convincing women to do stuff" made my blood boil. It's a fucking complicated issue, so

He was very charming on Marc Maron's podcast.

I am both very happy for you and nearly blind with jealousy.  I'm so glad he was cool, and I hope it wasn't the office of a doctor for serious things (for you and him, but mostly him, no offense).

Nice butt hat.

It was, in fact, a wiener dog.  Doing what it was born to do, I suppose.

My old roommate once used my small dog to cover his nudity when I came into the apartment unexpectedly.  So perhaps he and Katniss could share the outfit.

This is so true.  Tailoring is actually not that expensive and makes a huge difference.  It's generally less than $20/item.  Sure, you're not going to pay that for your Old Navy tee shirts, but for a few key pieces (which is what Clint and Stacy advocate), it's well worth it.


On an article of hilarious comments, this is by far my favorite.

Reading the Wikipedia entry will be equally satisfying and considerably less time consuming.  Although the actress that plays Deb does a good job, so it might be tolerable to watch if you fast forward through the non-Deb scenes.

Don't worry, Jaime the super nanny will squeeze in time for this between babysitting 80 hours a week, doing Dexter's laundry, cooking, and attending college.

I've been a few times, it's actually pretty awesome.  But I've never been to a film festival in a big city, so perhaps I had low expectations.

I'll move to Cleveland when they get that Ikea……NEVER!!!

Bill Watterson grew up in the Cleveland area, so it seems reasonable.

I read this as "mmm, so varminty."

I thought Jimmy Fallon did a nice job at the Emmys a few years ago.  But I'm a sucker for gimmicky remakes of "Born to Run."