
He has a boat. What's next, a kid? And then I have to meet the boat and the kid at some weird sea luncheon?

Kimmy's awkward laugh after "Not where I thought that was headed" when she reads the hot tub spontaneous pregnancy warning is fabulous.

"Sounds like your dream job! I'd give you a hug, but my shirt smells pretty weird today."

Let's not kid ourselves. Season 1 of Prison Break was as drawn out as Hostages is going to be. The characters on Hostages are bound to make stupid, frankly baffling decisions for the sake of the show's longevity, just as PB did.

This show reminds me so much of Prison Break. The overly-dramatic music, the mini-cliffhanger before every commercial break. I'm convinced. Hostages is Prison Break's slow, inbred brother.