
Maybe Kate knew Emmet, Leanne, and Jared before the murders and that's the reason why she didn't need to wear a disguise for Jared. Kate's last desperate action when she sense something was wrong was to write "Get Jared Out." One possible reason is because she is concerned Jared could endanger the safety of the

"How much harm can an old lady do?" was first and last time Richard Patterson underestimated effing Granny. Don't forget, before Claudia became Granny, she fought behind enemy lines in Stalingrad for two years.

Philip and Elizabeth have been undercover spies for years, but it doesn't necessarily mean the death count was this high during all those years. The Cold War started amping up when Reagan took over, and that caused Philip and Elizabeth's missions to become more dangerous.

Philip might kill Lucia so that Elizabeth doesn't have to. He offered to do that when Gregory became a liability during season 1.

Nina used her wits and beauty to manipulated not one, but two Russians. She slept with Vasili (Arkady's predecessor) during season 1, and now Oleg.

EP JEFF BELL: We’ve known what Captain America: The Winter Solider was all about since we came together a year ago. And so we knew that we were doing a show calledAgents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and that in the movie, S.H.I.E.L.D. gets blown up. And it’s full of the “H word” [Hydra.] And so we’ve been working with the studio

I read both "Your Inner Fish" and "Why Evolution is True", and I prefer "Your Inner Fish". Coyne's book talks about the evidence from various scientific fields in order to convince readers that evolution is true. Shubin's book talks about his discovery of tiktallik and the evolutionary history of various parts of

John Landgraf talked about this at the TCAs. He cares about the time-shift viewers because that means less revenue for FX. But instead trying to stop time-shift viewing, he wants to find a way to money from these viewers.

Interesting ratings tweets from John Solberg, publicist for FX. (@JohnSolbergFX ). For whatever reason, over half of the viewers for the show don't watch the show live.

Can someone identify the people in the photo? Other than Michelle King, I don't know who's who.

Heh. When I read the first paragraph of the review, I had this weird sensation of déjà vu.

My impression is that Irina went to the cops and reported the rape.

Steven Soderbergh recently gave a talk where he complained that movie studios are run by a bunch of people don't know, don't watch, and don't love movies. These execs are only concerned about making money. I think that description also applies to many TV execs. Luckily, there are some TVs execs who buck that trend,

It's also a nice callback to the telephone scene where Elizabeth asks Philip to "come home" when he is in New York with Irina.  Except this time it means more because both of them realize how important home is after their separation.

@dah_sab:disqus Don't forget the potentially most damaging piece of evidence from the colonel: Philip said "Elizabeth" before he took off.

Gaad is FBI, but he has CIA connections. Perhaps the time he spent working with the CIA has influenced how Gaad operates his division. 
Afterall, he did ok the assassination of Arkady, which is more of a CIA-type move than a FBI-type move.