Lovely Bones

YES. Thank you.

. .I know that. That's why I explained to you that my statement was in fact not figurative. To use the word literally to describe something that actually happened is completely proper.

. .What?

That's probably very smart of them, both regarding scheduling and well, what's going to live up to the second and third season holiday episodes?

But now I have no one to talk with about The Doorway. .

I'm glad to hear that. Totally cannot blame you for bailing on season one, although I was tempted to watch past the pilot before season three premiered.

Uh. .I can do two of those things.


I don't know, to some degree I appreciated what makes Samurai Jack, Courage the Cowardly Dog, etc. great when I was that young.

Ah, but you're not aware of the irony in that.

The Newspaper storyline was a necessity for the grand themes of the series, in fairness. As Simon has said, no matter how many seasons the show ultimately would have, the last one would be about journalism. The Wire had to end with the media as the final institution because it's the media, and us in reflection,

(I don't give A+'s)

The Stephen Glass motherfucker is so much more of just a straight villain than any other obstructive character in the series, like the police bureaucrats, and Gus very clearly comes off as "I'd be doing good work if just these *people* weren't here at this office," not to mention more of an underdog heroic archetype

Sure, but a warning is at least just being nice.

I do as well. I only just watched it last winter, and also we young people are only just getting to the age where the good ones of us will appreciate that series.

I loved it, and I clearly speak for all blonde and blue-eyed people everywhere.

My name is a reference to the *novel*, good sir, turn in your AV Club membership card.

The Newspaper storyline has legitimate flaws, though. None of the characters were especially good/we didn't spend a lot of time with them, it comes off as more black and white than the show typically is, and it takes time away from the other storylines which are already being affected by the faster pace/fewer

I was actually just making a creative spoiler warning like I do on the Game of Thrones reviews. . .

I actually had no knowledge of biastioc's existence until I stopped by that Lovely Bones review after you mentioned it. I'm still not quite sure what I read on there.