Lovely Bones

Okay, fair enough. It's more that I just don't think anyone who likes Hamsterdam can use the realism argument against the serial killer storyline. And Hamsterdam is the one of the series' best arcs.


I love the serial killer storyline, although I can see it being considered silly, I guess, it's hardly unrealistic, and more importantly, it adds wonderfully both to the show's themes regarding police and bureaucracy, and McNulty's arc.

Goddamnit, I can't believe I just had to have a shit-ton of work to do the night of the new AHS and Scrawler coming back.

A sexy little otter.

I don't know, I still haven't had one of the writers respond to me. That's going to be a sincerely joyous occasion, that might be better.

And that dumb baby he'd never shut up about, what was that?

It certainly beats all the shitty historical epics that are still in English for some reason and are never cast properly. I'm looking at you, Gladiator.

HipsterDBag isn't.

I really need to see The Shield too, but I have fairly good excuses by the standards of those with pretty much everything else at our fingertips, television-wise. We have the first season on DVD, but that's it, and there's no readily available source for it at the moment anywhere. Hopefully, FX will get its HBO Go up

Man, we better get that fucking Daria TV Club Classic eventually. Also, OZ. I just started watching that show, and I'll keep watching it after it goes downhill for the sake of being able to talk about that ridiculous bullshit it gets up to in its later years with you guys. Dog training programs, basketball playing,

That's reassuring. And speaking of, I was sincerely flattered and also a little confused when I got that message on the night of the Emmys/Breaking Bad's Granite State premiere that you were now following me. Confused because it's never happened before, but also because the message said that it happened five months

Well, I had never followed someone by AVC before, I kept trying to do it by Disqus and failing.

. .And now I can't edit that one because I'm back to AVC account. Surreal shit right there. Also, we get notifications when someone that we're following has graded something? Does that mean you're constantly getting notifications about me randomly grading old Community and Mad Men episodes? I'm so sorry.

I don't want to beat a dead horse here regarding my feelings on Dexter, but there was a lot more room left for Doakes as a character than there has been for Brody in a while, and more importantly, Brody is not the best character on the show. Doakes was.


. .Okay, that does kind of explain a lot, fair enough. I was thankfully spared from the onslaught of Hugh Grant's heyday and the character being based on that is pretty much lost on me, so I can enjoy him and Patinkin's wonderful voice in peace.


Why the hell would you ever ask that? He's coming this way now, I can smell the bastard!

That and it makes Bart sound hilariously delusional. Not that I don't believe in him becoming a Supreme Court Justice eventually, I love that episode and that concept too much not to.