
One wonders if Hughes is familiar with Frisky Dingo (and its short-lived spin-off). The supporting characters — both the clown captors and law enforcement outside — had the same dialogue rhythm and comedic sensibilities of The X-Tacles. The bickering and riffing on command structure really took me back to the old days

You're not wrong, but Aaron's supposed to be smart. His character arc in the first half of the season was all about how his education and business/technology sense put him at the top before the blackout, but left him ill-equipped to handle the realities of society after the blackout. He shouldn't be a stuttering boob

Exactly what I wanted to say! While him primally plucking insects from Andrea's scalp is entertaining, I'm surprised they didn't capitalize on the show's history and give us a reaction shot from Erik. Maybe he'll talk about it next episode…

While I like the suggestion that it was Donna's job to run the sound, I think it has to do with licensing — it's much cheaper to license just the chorus (or fraction of the chorus) than an entire song — both for the show itself and for Leslie's campaign in the show.

I was resistant at first to the inclusion of Jersey Shore et al in my beloved B&B, but after a few of the segments I had a Butt-head-like epiphany (that is, a Christmas light briefly flickered on above my head before burning out). The reason I now find it entertaining and even intellectually engaging is because 15

This got the biggest laugh of the episode for me. The reclining patio chair, the television on the tile floor, and Beavis using the toilet seat as his personal buffet table.

I guess, based on the construction of my post. But in general, I am drawn to players who are actually, you know, good at something. Goats are only fun to hate, but not Cochrane, for one reason or another.

I find it very helpful when trying to find a particular season to watch on YT to refine my search to playlists. This usually helps in finding full episodes/seasons, and once you've found it, you never have to search again — you can just watch it all in one sitting!

He's even bad at islander checkers. Albert is clearly schooling him with several kinged pieces pinning him in. Even intellectually, Cochrane is evidently inept. Despite this, he is quickly becoming one of my favorite Survivor characters.

Did anyone notice Albert totally shitting on Cochrane at a game of islander checkers? That made me laugh. Cochrane is just a limp noodle in every dimension, I find it too hilarious.

She was already doing sports broadcasting at the time of the show (I live in Kansas City, where her show airs). Also, she didn't "figure out" that she was playing with Gary Hogeboom, she knew instantly. She had a poster of him on her wall as a child. She knew his ALMA MATER (Central Michigan) for pete's sake. One of

This makes me wonder if the producers were recruiting Rick or just his mustache. Also, Shelby, maybe you should submit an application for Survivor—with all that praying, you're probably a shoe-in.

While it is true that Sean Kenniff's version of the events of this episode is different, one should remember that Sean went on to pursue LOADS of different roles in CBS shows like The Guiding Light and various CBS-syndicated news programs. It's doubtful he would put these new opportunities in jeopardy by making his

It was cooked before they were gnashing at it like animals. Also, they still had to EAT it, which, hygiene aside, is gross to someone who just watched them regurgitate slobbery hunks of it into a basket.

Nope. They ate it later, after Brandon whipped up his Twice-chewed Teriyaki. That was the "reward."

Yes — I started watching Survivor a few seasons ago but have since watched maybe a little over half of the first 20 seasons (entirely on YouTube), mainly based on particular seasons' mentions in Reasonable Discussions.

"I realize there's a lot of pop culture conversations that I would be excluded from, but oh well."
It seems like you're actually pretty steamed about being excluded so you decide to insert yourself into a conversation you are apparently disdainful of.

Karate Snow Machine Chops It.

Charlie huffs a lot of glue.

On the whole I'm indifferent about RI — I think it offers its own sort of satisfaction in the 1v1 "duel" type challenges, but I agree it detracts from a lot of what made Survivor so engrossing in past seasons. Regardless, 
I think there are compelling reasons for why it's sticking around (at least for 1-2 more