Lord Charles Henry St. John Fi

Wasn't that a long-running subplot on Reno 9-1-1, involving Nick Swardson?

You know what? Screw you, DBW. I was having a perfectly fine day until I saw your user name and remembered how your personal incompetence, stinginess, and spitefulness directly led to Chris Chelios being traded to the fucking Red Wings. Yes you deserved to die, and I hope you burn in Hell!

Maybe amongst the kind of people who associate with Chuck Klosterman, there's more of an awareness of the Strokes than Terri Clark, but there's a lot more people in this country who never have known any music industry insiders than people who would talk music with Chuck Klosterman.

Baseball has the concept of VORP, Value over replacement player. It's a statistical method of analysis which tries to measure the difference between a player and a hypothetically exactly average replacement player. I have the feeling that if the world of TV and Movies were able to yield a statistic like VORP, they

It's a sitcom. The overwhelming majority of sitcoms are godawful. For every Louie, there's what, maybe 150 King of Queenses?

Problem: the cockroaches will have achieved sentience.

Thank you for persuading me that Dan Whitney is not the worst person in the world. You've surpassed him. How the fuck did you figure out how to use the internet?

Omar is essentially Sergio Leone's Clint Eastwood dropped into the best show in the history of television. Frankly, it'd be shocking if he wasn't fetishized to a certain extent, given that he's the best antihero character of the decade.

Nope. He's the chess grandmaster out of all the anthropomorphic cars in his rapidly dying podunk hellhole.

Orlando kinda is representative of the south. Miami, or more divergently, Key West, are not. But Orlando? Chock full of megachurches, minimalls, and failing or absent public infrastructure. That the south I know and moved away from.

I get that Alison Brie is cute, I really do. But seriously, Gilian Jacobs is just so much more aesthetically pleasing that I suspect we might be overdoing the hipster contrariness thing with regards to this show. Everyone will have their own tastes, but really, I can't be the only person, other than the casting

The fuck you mean, got fined $10? Who assessed the fines?

Seconded. Someday, when film classes are teaching the next generation of mediocre directors how to create the ultimate abortion, Ballistic: Ecks v. Sever will feature prominently in the syllabus.

Did The Day After Tomorrow get any staff votes?
Because it certainly should have.

Where the hell is Forrest Whitaker's turn as Idi Amin in The Last King of Scotland? Name me one other actor who has ever captured the charisma of an evil dictator in film. I'll give the staff a pass on recognizing DDL's performance in TWBB, and Ledger's in Brokeback, above Whitaker's Idi

Would Brosef Stalin purge people from Lake Havasu and the Jersey Shore?

The controller
Do you think they just modified a bunch of old surplus Fisher Price turntables? Because that's what the controller looks like to me.

Don't blame me. I voted for George Gervin.

Somehow, it seems as if Deltron 3030 is not on the list.
Wicked good album, and yet strangely, omitted in the face of crap like Radiohead and the White Stripes.
