
A note for those who didn't notice, Lars is still on the shop headed to homeworld.

I love the reversal when it comes to Jack and the sisters between this episode and the last. The last episode had them as a terrifying force with Jack just trying to survive, but now that he is getting his mental state back together that dynamic was reversed for this fight. It was best showcased at the end, when Ashi

When it comes to Bendu, it is hinted at in this episode that he is actually the entire planet with the creature we see just being a surrogate, similar to Ego. His whole getting pissed off at the end bit and telling everyone to leave was basically him saying "get the f off my body and take your war somewhere else."

A lot of credit has to be given to Dave Filoni and Sam Witwer for turning one of the most disappointing villains from the prequels into perhaps the most in depth antagonist from that era. Unlike the other sith in the current cannon (save for Darth Vadar), Maul is a true tragic character. His line at the beginning of

One thing I have grown to appreciate is how the show handles Steven's and Connie's relationship. By all gem standards, they are considered together, but by human customs it is left ambiguous. I'm not sure why, but I think approaching the relationship in the manner that gems view relationships gives it more

For me it would be Hey Arnold. I remember watching that show as a kid and while I did enjoy it, it wasn't my favorite and I was never sure why. Looking at it again as an adult I love it so much more because there are so many things I see now that I didn't notice as a kid. Probably the most noticeable thing that slips

A heads up to everyone, although this is the end of the nuke, we are still getting new episodes each Thursday for a while now like it used to be before these nukes. Next episode is on the 18th. In fact, we get 2 Steven/Connie episodes in a row, so I'm excited. :D

Finn creeped me out more than PB did in this episode. His obsession with helping her was more than just trying to be a hero. I mean, he shows up at her house at 5 am without warning, and then spends a week trying to get the best possible milk in the land when he could've just gone to the store. Then there was that