
Very pretty - at the end of last week's episode I was kind of annoyed thinking, "that was no *man*, man!" This week, there were moments when I thought, "well maybe" but that was probably just me projecting what the show was telling me. She is ridiculously pretty for a dude.

Have you not been watching Homeland????

They need to do a lot less with Rachel. Like, get rid of her. It's like she's on a completely different, and terrible, show. I kind of got used to her scenes grinding all the show's momentum to a halt, but this week was excruciating. Lake Bell doesn't bother me on other things, but I cannot stand her on this show.

I remember when I lived in Alberta for a year, everyone there called Ontario the "east coast". It drove me nuts! (And conversely when my friends came to visit they complained that I was acting "West Coast"…idiots).

I thought it was more annoyance than distrust. Business aside, Yosi was just embarrassing in his attempts to be hip.

I was hoping he would start yelling, "I WANT YOU!"

You don't understand why someone would choose to sleep with Gina Gershon? :-s

Way too hard on this episode, IMO. It was on par with the rest of the season - nothing great but a pertfecly enjoyable way to spend a half hour. There's a healthy dose of flash and whimsy every week; which, to me, is the biggest draw to the show (and NYC).

I agree - the music choices are top notch. And they come up with some great images - I loved the tracking shot showing Eddie Kaye outside the wedding by himself and then following into the party. Great stuff.

My fiancee loved Sports Show - and she 1) hates sports and 2) had no clue who Norm Macdonald was. We have all the episodes on our hard drive and still watch one occasionally. I think it's *criminal* that it got cancelled. It must have been dirt cheap to make and might have found a bit of an audience if it aired a bit

I thought that was weird, too, but then I realized that Ted probably introduces himself as "Ted Moseby" to strange women so I imagine she replied with her full name.

You do know that Jon Lajoie has put out several albums of music, right?

I still think Travolta is amazing in Get Shorty. As you pointed out, it helps that Elmore Leonard writes really good books.

OK - Let's see if this works; I had to create a new account as the old one has not allowed me to comment since the new system change.