Staten Island Chuck

I'm still trying to figure out why he broke up with that nice Amy Adams after all those years just to run off with Miss Piggy's secretary…

Pop! Six! Squish! Uh uh! Cicero! ______!

I was THERE, man
Got tickets to see the original performance with my fiancee back in June. We had no idea they were going to tape it for a movie until we got there. There was a giant, counterweighted camera arm that kept getting in the way of the stage, and they re-did a couple numbers at the end of the show for

Awesome Garfunkel and Oates ref, Truth Teller! Judging from the other comments though, maybe a bit too obscure. Anyways, I logged in here specifically to give you props. Kudos!

Actually, Robo-Lincoln just came back too!

I actually got some good use out of the New York site, including a tipoff about that Yoko Ono dress rehearsal show in Brooklyn last week. Does that mean there won't be any weekly emails or AV Club-sponsored events around here anymore, either? Geez…

The Hipster Effect
I saw this on video as a kid, but I can't imagine ever exposing my own (currently purely theoretical) kids to this level of crap. And yet, I probably would've hated my own parents if they denied me every horrible piece of bottom-feeding pop culture that I ever showed an interest in back when my age

One Thing I Wish You'd Asked Her About…
Penelope Ann Miller is the subject of perhaps the most bizarre fan site I've ever run across, and I wonder If she's ever seen it, or is even aware of its existence.

The Metaphor Police
In the second paragraph, I think you mean that "Living in Harmony" tips its hand, not its hat, to the audience.

Ice Station Zebra?
Great job Zack, as always. I just finished introducing the whole series to a friend, so the timing of these articles couldn't have been better.

Pull Quote
I got an email from the IFC Center here in New York, which included this: