
Fair enough. I just think the word is tossed around willy-nilly for anybody that does anything remotely niche or "too cute" if I can use that term. I should've known, though, that among the pop culture awaresies, such rampant misuse isn't such an issue.

EVERYBODY is a hipster now.

EVERYBODY is a hipster now.

Good for DP and AB for being good sports.

Good for DP and AB for being good sports.

WTF ran out of guests months ago.

WTF ran out of guests months ago.

That's why I like "Justified," too. Now if only I could write an abortion joke with the half the skill Jeselnik brings to bear. wait, what about half an abortion joke?

That's why I like "Justified," too. Now if only I could write an abortion joke with the half the skill Jeselnik brings to bear. wait, what about half an abortion joke?

oh you poor thing. christ I couldn't imagine. I hope they pay you very well.

oh you poor thing. christ I couldn't imagine. I hope they pay you very well.

first and best reality show is "Cops"

first and best reality show is "Cops"

FLAGGED. (obvs not for praise of O'Neal.)

FLAGGED. (obvs not for praise of O'Neal.)

that entire website deserves a linguistics doctoral thesis.

that entire website deserves a linguistics doctoral thesis.

Love it when Rabin or anybody else around here can help one remember why all this stuff matters. Quite a lot.

Love it when Rabin or anybody else around here can help one remember why all this stuff matters. Quite a lot.

Great news, stranger! www.wsum.org. they are back up and running!