Nick Kent

Oops. I didn't see Gonz' post when I wrote that.

Again, it was a signing, not his private dinner party. Seeing as HE had sent out a press release INVITING all of those people to come, the responsibility of showing respect was on his shoulders, not the attendees'.

What?! I already gave them my credit card number!!!

Blue is beautiful.

By the way, I love how many people responded to my comment. Me likey attention.

"How are you supposed to engage a shaking, crying autograph-seeker anyway? "

I agree with laterite. eMOTIVe had a couple of decent moments, but it was pretty much an abomination compared to Mer de Noms or Thirteenth Step.

Maynard can go right ahead and slide a mile six inches at a time…
For old time's sake (I used to be a hugely obnoxious Tool fanboy who thought Maynard was a genius of the highest order) I went to Whole Foods back in February with some friends to get him to sign our bottles. It was a hugely disappointing endeavor. That