
Totally disagree, Skunkie. I think MoM might actually be HPL's finest story of any length. It manages to do all the awesome mythology building, but avoids much of the interminable expository horseshit that plagues some of his more popular stories (The Shadow Out of Time definitely comes to mind).

If you want to be me, circa 1995
Play Carmageddon. I think there was even a version that had green-blooded zombies in it instead of everyday people (you know, to lessen the bloodlust that would make you get up from your computer, weld spikes and shit to your race car, and mow through packs of pedestrians at 240 mph).

I guess I don't know how release dates work… I'm in New York and bought it from iTunes last Tuesday. Just assumed that was legit…

No mention of new Electric Wizard. I am sad (also, stoned and satanic).

Wow, Anon3. A Time Crimes reference. You go.

It's a transfer of 16mm film stock, which has a resolution roughly equivalent to 1080p video. So, it's not low-res, it's just different. Film handles light differently than video, which makes the still frames look the way they do (along with copious color correction in post), but the big visual difference will

Not that radical of an idea: Zombie stories aren't about zombies. The bad guys are the other living humans, which is good, because people have emotions and free will and can be thought of as "bad," while zombies just do what zombies do. Which is to say, be dumb and single minded, and be easily dispatched (until

Would someone get Richard Ashcroft and gang back on the fucking drugs, so the Verve can make an album as amazing as A Storm in Heaven again? Pleeese?

Omg the Wire did someone mention teh Wire omgomgomg

Please please please tell me there will be a Baseball Furies joke at his expense.
Thank you in advance.

Whatever. Newspapers are for all you sheeple. I don't even know how to read.

Also, I just noticed that you purposely don't capitalize the first letter of your sentences. Is that to prove how sensitive you are? Are you Trent Reznor?

It's okay, Teadoust. You can go back to watching The Remains of the Day and the Accidental Tourist, and coo gently to yourself about how civil your tastes are.

Clearly, we need a G. Or an F- at the very least. Otherwise, what grade will be assigned to things that actually damage humanity and the arts? This movie, though it may approach dangerous levels of insipidity, is clearly better than, say, Expelled.

The sky over the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.
"It's not like I'm using," Case heard someone say, "it's like my body has developed this massive narcotics deficiency."

Listen here, Jew_Lover: I was talking out of my ass. There, I said it. It probably seems to me that only Doom and Wu Tang get any respect because I really only read the reviews and news items that have to do with Doom and Wu Tang. Terrible sample base. That's just bad science, man. Bad science.

But wait, wasn't Moby Dick fucking epic? And didn't it have a shit ton of badassery? And wasn't it pretty great to read, actually?

I know I just got trolled by Dr. Reasonable, but surely you are aware that you used "Begging the Question" wrong. Fucking _again_.

Doc Ness. I'll have to tell you about my monster.

Fuck yeah, Maximum fucking Overdrive. I think there should be a faction of malevolent robots in this movie too. The scene where Gort fights the pissed-off soda machine from MO is going to be classic.