
I… yeah. Is that a reference to something? Or are you in fact schizophrenic yourself?

That's a lot of talent for a Facebook movie
How is it that my favorite director, and my favorite also-went-to-Syracuse-University-writer-besides-Joyce-Carol-Oates, 16 year-old me's favorite musician, and my favorite social network are all coming together into one package? Insanity.

Adjustment Bureau? What the fuck was that? Does anyone else here love the shit out of Terry Pratchett? Because are those guys the Auditors or what? I assume Matt Damon will defeat them by fucking up their entire world view with the unreal awesomeness of chocolate.

IIRC, Professor, del Toro said that the agreement was that he was going to live in NZ, on the other side of the world from all of his family and friends, for three years. When MGM and WB said it would have to be six years instead, he balked. That seems pretty reasonable.

Coming soon.
Be on the lookout for my song about a comic book that details the writing of a novel about TV on the Radio.

I shall continue on my quixotic quest to convince the world that they should be pronouncing it "key-ho-tic," thank you very much. Good day to you, sir.

As a person who just started reading this series, like 30 pages ago, I must say that the world looks like it will be great to base a television show on. Hopefully it won't be full of as much excruciating made-up vocabulary expository horseshit as the first chunk of the book is.

Sure, they know the term. But they all pronounce it "quickzotic," so you may not have understood them.

See, I thought you were referencing some lousy blockbuster disaster movie like The Core or The Day After Tomorrow, or some such. Cuz that's what it sounds like.

Or smoking?

Shore Patrol, what the hell are you referencing?

Aren't RATM and One Day as a Lion both De La Rocha projects?
You know who else won't be going to AZ? Joel and the Joelsters, One Joel as a Lion, The Joely Joel Zazz Show, and Joel and the Crickets.

As a man who watched no less than six hours of TNG on BBC yesterday, I say hurrah for any station that will do it…

You, FUCK, are full of shit. Did Dio sing on Children of the Grave? How about War Pigs? I mean, Dio seemed to be a damned cool guy, and less of a cock than Ozzy, but Dio Sabbath can't hold a black candle to Ozzy Sabbath.

Ooh, they're going to rerun the Star Wars Trilogy?
Frickin sweet. I can't wait to shout myself hoarse at the goddamned Jabba scene in A New Hope and rage vomit at the shitty CG Sarlacc five hours later. Why won't they air the original non-retouched stuff? Surely they know that's what we want?

Yeah, too many places to start. I'd suggest where I started: Gluey Porch Treatments is as heavy and rough around the edges as anything. It will make you understand what Grunge could have been, before it became Pearl Jam.

Were they to lose the shitty vocalist, or if he would be decent enough to at least growl unintelligibly, they would be a fine metal band. When I can hear your lyrics though, they'd better be fucking sonnets. Cannibal Corpse lyrics are even shittier than Slipknot's, but no one gives a fuck because you don't have to

"Has anything 'Nu' ever been good?" I can think of at least one chocolatey hazelnut concoction that is terrific, actually.

Seeing their last NY show
I'm glad I'll get to see their last show in NY, on the 18th. Hopefully they're not just lame-ducking it, though.

That's fine. They can have my money. No, it doesn't need to be in 3D, but I don't give a fuck. Just give me Battle Royale on the big screen, and I don't care how many dimensions it has.