
Thank you, Yankee Deer. Aside from the silly burn-the-interloper bits, which seemed too much like a crummy cutscene, I thought the whole movie was surprisingly good. I think with a decent Phantom Edit, it could be creepy without the silliness. Also, while I know some people thought the ending was a bit cheap, it

Just mentioned this in another thread last week, but I'll repeat it here:

Primer totally has bad sound. It's just one of those things that shines through in cheap movies. It's still great, mind you, but couldn't they just hire some damned lapel mics, so you can always hear the dialog?

I audibly groaned too many times during the movie, but especially when I realized the dude was turning into a prawn. Until that point I was intrigued, but I thought the whole metamorphosis was a lazy ass piece of plotsmithing that immediately felt like a tired trope, even though I don't think I've seen it used

I fail to understand how Toberoff has a conflict of interest. It would be a conflict if he was a lawyer for Warner Bros, trying to take their case down from the inside. In this instance, how is it any different from a client representing herself? Or from those TV ad attorneys who "don't get paid unless you do?"

Knowledge belongs in a museum.

Is Vic Mackey gonna beat a motherfucker with a chain?
Cuz I will totally sign on for that.

I would prefer if Cronenberg did White Noise. That's a fucking novel and a half, and the whole obsession with death and Dylar is right up Cronenberg's alley.

That sound is in fact awesome. There is an importance in using sound to brand yourself. Also, that sounds for all the world like Diego Stocco, http://www.diegostocco.com, who makes awesome music with handbuilt instruments and contact mics.

I'm with you, ABCDEFZ. Just watched Solaris the other night and realized that Soderbergh is pretty much the awesomest director working right now. Not because the movie was perfect or anything, but because he was able to get it made, with that tone, with that interpretation. Anyone who wasn't him would have filled

Yeah, she's pretty good, for a nine-toed nihilist.

Oh yeah. You know what takes me away to where I've always heard it could be just a dream and the wind to carry me? Sailing, that's what.

SONOFAGODDAMNEDFUCKINGSONOFABITCH. I fucking never try for a firstie. Never ever. I just saw the zero and went for it, like I was compelled. I didn't even try to write something funny, or intelligent, or anything. I just wanted to get the word first in there, and somehow connect it to my dislike of Oasis, but I

Nope, hate their first album too.

Total agreement with Erik Adams up there. Particularly the song Transatlanticism, which is beautiful and only a little cheesy due to the choir at the end.

Yeah, "My Humps" does that too. It comes on and I just start destroying anything involved in making or experiencing sound.

Hey, my son is the meth-dealing son of an Ozark pig farmer.

Wow, Mongo. Awesome Friedkin reference.

I saw High on Fire last month
And it was fucking insane. Anyone who thinks metal is dead is entirely wrong.

I Felched You With Electric Lights is the new name of my band.