
Yeah, when I saw this headline (the first I've heard Azaria was in it), I instantly thought "Cool, I like Hank Azaria." Then I remembered I was thinking about Harry Shearer.

Just chiming in — Sawbuck Gamer is a terrific feature, and has led me to a lot of great fun that I wouldn't have found otherwise.

Wait, the K-K-K was a Fish Called Wanda reference, right? Why's that "Nice. Really nice?"

How about: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
Hearing Nimoy say that line gives me geekbumps.

The first had The Abandoned, the feature debut by well-known (okay, notorious) short film director Nacho Cerda. And it was actually a pretty good flick, too.

Siamese Dream is still pretty awesome. Mellon Collie was garbage, and represents what I like to think of as the Pumpkins' Pearl Jam stage, when suddenly they became a band for preppy shits who tried cigarettes that one time instead of punk-ass grunge kids like I was at the time.

Dear Family Guy:
1.) A non-sequitur is a joke, not a comedy style. Remember when Scott Baio tried to say "she sells sea shells by the seashore?" That was a funny joke. When you did it again, over and over, every single episode, but with different subjects and predicates subbed in? Not funny anymore.
2.) A super-long

Let's not mince words here, okay guys? Redneck is not something to be proud of. We're not talking about "hardworking laborers whose hands till the soil that sprouts the food of America." We're talking about hicks. Let's not pretend that it's not meant as an insult.

I'll admit to be a part-of-the-way-through-er. Still sits on my shelf, though. Along with Ulysses and Infinite Jest. Mocking me.

I remember growing up loving horror movies and thinking that Rosemary's Baby (1968) was impossibly old. Like, how had they even invented horror by that time?

My first experience with Autechre was Draft 7.30, which I thought was excellent, and Untilted which I thought was frickin amazing. Both are from the analog-sounding skittery beats period, which followed the cold sampled noise period. Basically two different things for two different moods, IMO. Actually, if you

I guess — and this may just be me being an asshole — that I am a little frightened of Dieter. This is a man who talked about the formative memory of his childhood as being excited by the idea that a man could wield so much power as to destroy everything in his path, while getting to fly an awesome plane. I mean,

Hmm, I think I would file it under haunting and quietly terrifying, rather than inspirational. Beautiful though, for sure.

Hey, you guys are pronouncing that correctly as you're writing, right?
Primmer, not Prime-er.
Now, how does one pronounce the sci-fi movie?

Little Dieter
Little Dieter needs to fly is one of the most affecting movies I've ever watched. I actually have goosebumps right now while writing that out.

Wow, The Last Chase Scene in the Last Movie Ever Made
Is a friggin awesome name for a band. Dibs.

You've all missed the obvious subtext…
They're not really dead!

Hey, this is the same academy that gave Best Picture to Crash, right? I wouldn't count out The Blind Side for this year, based on its after school special credentials and S. Bullock screentime. Also, I wouldn't put it past the Academy to rub this past Steelers season in my face. I watched Crash in a Psychology

Props on Burial, but seriously, where's Untilted and Draft 7.30 and all the other electronic music for people who don't much care for electronic music?

Don't forget that he also made the first Clerks, and Mallrats, and Chasing Amy, and a movie with Seth Rogan in it. Kevin Smith suuuccks. I guess Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back was pretty funny, and I like Dogma well enough. But people who tell me they really like Clerks, assuming they've seen it since they were 13,