
1. St. Vincent - St. Vincent (also the best live act I saw this year. Going to see her again in a few months, super excited for that)
2. Cloud Nothings - Here & Nowhere Else
3. Ought - More Than Any Other Day (best debut of the year, really love this)
4. Owen Pallett - In Conflict
5. Against Me! - Transgender Dysphoria

The last 2 episodes have been fairly good at wrapping up ongoing story lines and it makes me think if they really need to have a season 6?
I always found it weird that they renewed them for two seasons, especially since they were so close to be potentially cancelled.
It just feels there's been so many episodes in this

This show just keeps delivering. Makes me so happy every week.
The cutting back and forth between Lincoln in the front of the truck and the girls in the back of the truck were hilarious.

Joy Division - No Love Lost

My Bloody Valentine - Sometimes

Japandroids - The House That Heaven Built

Portishead - Roads

Animal Collective - My Girls

Been listening to it for the last few days and at first I was a bit disappointed, but it's definitely grown on me.
I think I was expecting the emotional depth of Strange Mercy but instead it's a lot more playful and ambitious in its sound.
Also interesting to see what she's done with her stage performances. She's

Such a stupid premise for an episode.
I did enjoy the Sue-style walkout that Will enacted. Wonder why Santana was left out of the New York side of things this episode.

It felt like half the scenes were cut out. Such weird jumps between plot points.

It felt overly long on the first listen, but after that it really grew on me. If you cut out the hidden track and the extended outro to Supersymmetry it really makes a difference.

I think Ryan Murphy's said that the cause of death won't ever be brought up. Although they'll still have the death of Finn play a part in the plot in future episodes.

Considering the circumstances and Glee's usual treatment of tragedy I thought they handled the tribute incredibly well. Really had the spirit of the show that made it so good in the earlier seasons. I'm glad they kept the story around the original core characters and only briefly involved the 2.0s in the memorial

Vanessa Lengies (Sugar) is on a upcoming show on ABC called Mixology so I doubt she'll come back.
As for Joe, my guess is they'll bring him back for sectionals when they realise they don't have 12 members. I suppose with the ever-growing cast they needed to cut some salaries.
But as you said, no one really cares they're

True. That performance was pretty on the nose.
But compared to last week when they just burst out singing with no build up, most of the numbers fit better into the context of the "plot" this episode.

The yeast commercial was the first legitimately hilarious joke Glee has had in a long time. Loved Naya's over-acting.

Such a filler episode. Really had no redeeming interests to it.