
I would rather see True Detective compete against the best dramas and lose. Rather than take a guaranteed award in a much weaker category.

I don't think it needs to be definitely labeled or resolved.

I think with genre concept episodes, the characters commit to it. There are things at stake for them. It matters to them and they take it seriously.

I loved it too. It just clicked with me. I immediately got into the mood and atmosphere of the episode.

On rewatch I really love the ending. There is a lovely mix of emotions.

I liked it.

I don't think you should be so pessimistic about the whole season just because McKenna really liked a episode you hated.

Obviously very different tone from 502. But I really liked it. I viewed it as a drama episode and it sucked me in.

I really liked it. Maybe because I knew it was a Fincher style so was in that mood and viewed it as a drama.

I am looking forward to it.

It makes sense. Bringing in totally new showrunners would mean starting from scratch and dealing with the same first year problems that G/P had to deal with.