Geech T. Smalhund

Fine, it's true - I'm an idiot. I take back the part about the airframes. They never flew in support of us.
Nor am I arguing that there isn't CIVCAS. However, if people are imagining dozens of Mk-82 dumb bombs rolling off bombers, blasting arbitrary grid squares out of existence, they are wrong. And if you think the

He's divorced and no longer talks about his now ex-wife in his routine. I don't know where I read that, though…

My comment was in response to Mr. Mike's comment, which has several inaccuracies. We are not "bombing the crap" out of Afghanistan like N. Vietnam or Dresden. And the fighters and bombers that Mr. Mike said are nailing "larger targets" are not currently used by the U.S. The Hellfire missiles carried by Predators, and

@Also like Vietnam in the early 1970s we are bombing the crap out of Afganistan and relying on UAVs to do the precision missile sniping while larger targets are being nailed by the F-15s, F-16s, and B-2 bombers.

I totally thought
That this was a documentary about influential Pawnee zoning board member Jeanine Restrepo.
I was wrong.
As for the COP, I agree with Juanito. That place looks like a shantytown. There's no cock like self-cock…