
I agree.  The first and second seasons had so much more spark to them, then Fillion got bored (and a bit pudgy), the crimes became scripted, and the dialog's been ordered from a menu.

I agree.  The first and second seasons had so much more spark to them, then Fillion got bored (and a bit pudgy), the crimes became scripted, and the dialog's been ordered from a menu.

I think this is Castle's last season too, or at least it should be.  The premise is getting pretty tired and it's time to move on.

I think this is Castle's last season too, or at least it should be.  The premise is getting pretty tired and it's time to move on.

Dr Worf is excellent!  How can you not love him?  His deadpan delivery against Beckett's angry cluelessness is priceless.

Dr Worf is excellent!  How can you not love him?  His deadpan delivery against Beckett's angry cluelessness is priceless.

Castle will beat the shit out of him?  CASTLE?  Shoot him maybe, but he fights about as well as I do (and I'm a girl).

Castle will beat the shit out of him?  CASTLE?  Shoot him maybe, but he fights about as well as I do (and I'm a girl).

Not a bad episode, but not one I'll rewatch.  The scene with the senator was quite well done and suitably convincing.

Not a bad episode, but not one I'll rewatch.  The scene with the senator was quite well done and suitably convincing.

Are you guys nuts?  How can you not love this episode!  Entertaining as it is, the comedy is only the surface veneer; it's the tragedy underneath that sells it.

Are you guys nuts?  How can you not love this episode!  Entertaining as it is, the comedy is only the surface veneer; it's the tragedy underneath that sells it.

Yes, I've noticed how much better he looks off Castle than on it.  The double chin mostly disappears and the jackets don't add bulk.  The man is built like a bull, but the show's attempts to hide it only make him look bigger.

I saw Castle for the first time last Dec when a repeat of the one with the heads was on.  I remember thinking how formulaic and lowest-common-denominator the show was (my first thought was Remington Steele & Moonlighting meet CSI), but I kept watching because I liked Firefly.

I thought that too, at first, then looked very closely at the shot with the balcony.  It is actually off to the side, but that's easy to miss.

Sorry, never heard of that show.

"Growing" tiresome?  You have more patience than I!

Well, Martha's in the Hamptons and Alexis is out partying all night… oh, right.

This episode was what we all expected it to be.  It was just as melodramatically heavy as last season's closer, and as convoluted, and now we've all Summer to hope Season 5's debut isn't as painful as "Rise."  (It couldn't possibly be worse.)