

Yes, it is different. The recordings are different as well, as Phases only covers the Nonesuch recordings. I think that Phases is actually better, because it includes some of his later work, so you can see where he came from and where he's going. I don't care much for the recording of Drumming on either (using the

Whoa. Angry about the Internet, are we? I made a reasoned argument for my position. If you take issue with it, I'd love to hear your opinion.

It's not that it's not cutting edge, necessarily. Certainly, she's entitled to listen to what she wants. I guess I have this notion that someone like Leigh Watson would be listening to music more outside of the indie mainstream (and, without splitting hairs in terms of genre stratification, most of this IS indie,

You'd think…
That a progressive, forward-thinking indie rock musician would have more interesting music on their iPod than middle-of-the road indie rock favorites. I could ask the guy on the train wearing skinny jeans and a keffiyeh what he's been listening to and get the same answers. Also, I'm disappointed in the

These motherfuckers recognize. Last dudes were just hipster trash. These guys actually like metal, I think.