
Honestly, I can rationalize the finale, work through it with blind/naive optimism and my love for the cast. What I can't work through is these fucking shoot-yourself-in-the-foot interviews all involved keep giving.

I'm thinking maybe he introduced that idea of the "Desert Wolf" or whatnot so that Malia's parental drama can continue in lieu of his character. He's only lasted this long by virtue of sizzling on the back burner, trying to "regain his strength."

I agree with LaToya's sentiment that the episode was saved from the logistical nonsense by a few great character moments. This episode was a testament to the fact that there are enough interconnected plotlines going on that the writers should NEVER have to ship a character to Palo or relegate them to the last five

Agreed. I feel like Scott's going to kill Peter, go full-wolf, and then Argent will become some sort of unwilling antagonist.

I was thinking there'd be a last minute switch to make Mason into a bad guy? That, or else there was constant maintenance or reinsulation in the room, which could have been cool/creepy.

Shelley killed it. "I LIKE you, Stiles." It was so feral but human.

Seemed like those other cops were told to burn the gang before the initial douche (I think his name sounded like the Hague?) realized that Parrish hadn't died. Fire seems like a sort of catch-all method, anyway, although I do wonder how The Hague was planning on writing off that squad car.

Yeah, agreed. What's funny is that the on-screen technology is older than ever but the set pieces themselves seem more expensive and elaborate. Hope they didn't cut costs by dropping supporting cast just so we could get an elaborate CDC set-up.

- When the shady cops pushed Mason at the school, I had to shake my head. This episode was filmed, what, probably months ago? The timing was coincidental but it's the sort of thing I'd love to see ramifications for (like, what's the department doing about this??), given the #Ferguson tweets that were accumulating in

Jill Wagner really is stunning. Has she gotten hotter since the first season? I'll take one of whatever she and Bianca Lawson are drinking. Also, a scene between Malia and Liam would be nice—could be good for both characters.

Interesting. I wonder how that works if someone's become a 'True Alpha'? Is it more like being a born werewolf?

Happy birthday, LaToya!! I owe you a few gifts at this point, some for being born, most for pushing forward with the Teen Wolf reviews we all dreamed of last season.

Oh my god, are these photos new? I was expecting that JustJared shoot or whatever. He's so pretty it hurts.

In an episode full of crazy, the stand-out for me definitely had to be the finger-printing before the PSATS (!!!!!). Quick question, has this ever happened to anyone, anywhere? I recall struggling like hell to remember my cursive so I could sign that back box, but I don't think the College Board ever actually gave too

I didn't even notice Kira's absence until this review, which makes me feel all weird because back when it was the original gang I would shit bricks if things went on too long without incorporating Allison. I really want to love the new core group of characters, and I'm miffed over rumors that Malia won't return as a

This show needs to learn from its failures. Has introducing a cadre of villains EVER worked out here? Davis isn't great at balancing acts. RE: Derek's new pack, and how whenever they fought Scott, he'd simply have to just sort of throw Erica/Boyd onto the floor and they'd be down for the count? And then the mess that

Derek could be high because he's the last surviving Hale (if canon's pretending Cora doesn't exist…and whatever's happening to Peter. Is he still "recovering" by the way??)

Fair point. Although this show's always mystified me with its refusal to expand upon the immediate universe around its core characters. If Crystal Reed hadn't asked to leave, the opening credits would probably still be the same.

Will forever remember that incredible scene in 3A when the camera cuts to the Carvers walking in slow motion and Lydia says, "…Freshmen."
