Sokkas Instincts

But what does it mean to be "Brood Like Tool"?

That's never going to happen. You may have reached the apex of your life and never experience such joy again, but damn, what an apex.

Today while I was on the bus a small group of ridiculously good looking guys came on and during the trip one started complaining rather earnestly of how much it sucks to have girls coming up to him all the time, and all his friends starting nodding along in agreement.

I melted with you man! That shit is forever!

"Somehow, I think that Michele Ofatso had something to do with this. If she can’t wear them, neither can anyone else. Hey Michele, go eat some vegies from your WH garden and leave the rest of us alone."

I really like James Blake 'The Wilhelm Scream', but other than that the rest of his album just confuses me. Also the first track on Fleet Foxes' album made me think I'd like it, but I was quickly proven wrong.

Yeah I feel the same way. Even though last was such a good year for music that this year barely stood a chance in comparison, it's not even close. There have been very few albums that I've been compelled to listen to on repeat for at least a week like I normally do. It was nice to see to see Yuck and The Weeknd get a

"A bunch of hairy animals that feed off the charity and hard work of others? Sound like socialists to me!"

I think that that's just symptomatic of where rap is culturally. Popular music has always been built around earworms. I'm young so I'm not going to try and name some rock bands that were pretty much only there to ride and cash in on the popularity of rock music during the 70s and 80s, but I still get the sense that

As a student I can confirm that, for my generation at least, Radiohead is a band that almost everybody has heard of, but most couldn't name a single one of their songs if their lives depended on it. Even though they are still very active in making music, they're hardly relevant outside of certain circles.

That's what I thought. This article seems at least 10 years out of date. Isn't the catchall term for popular music just that - pop music?
I'm just not quite sure what they're trying to point out. That 'traditional', for lack of a better term, rock music isn't popular anymore? It's only been discussed in these forums

Like a plastic bag.

One's white and the other's pink but still all man. or something…

I get it! I get jokes!

Let us all bask in television's warm glowing warming glow.

Prepare to be hit with my Big Bang Theory.

The only thing I said was 'vaguely religious holiday', which you seem to agree with in a post in the following thread. When atheists start drafting legislation that would impinge on your rights as a religious person, then you can complain that they are forcing their absence of religion on you.

As a dirty liberal I quite like it. It means we can continue our war on the vaguely religious holiday sooner and before it gets too cold.

Even when it was the bears I knew it was stamps.

A coodle-doodle-oo. A coodle-doodle-oo.