
Hotties? She is 16! This is exactly why this plotline has to die.

Alicia is no less a political animal in her own way, it is being revealed.

That is the real reason they are pushing the 'Grace is hot' angle - no teenager would find her attractive so they must be pandering to middle-aged creepers.

They've managed to keep it fresh without going off the rails so good on them. I didn't even think about the press.

I actually liked 30 days of night. I watched it in the far North in the winter when the sun only shone an hour per day so it was extra spooky.

That death row scene at the start really got to me, it was so barbaric…..am I being manipulated?

Now, Hot Cary is a character I can get behind (in my fantasies, anyway).

Alicia stood by a whoremonger husband so she gets everything else she wants in life including two perfect, not rebellious teenagers. We should not question this.

People are gross.

What's your excuse for taking it out on the rest of us?

Fuck. Go away already.

Why are you pandering to the nay-sayers? It is perfectly fine to make fun of people who have bad taste. Are you taking the opinion of the few people who don't like what you have to say, but for some reason read your reviews anyway, to heart? Apologising to the apologists weakens the snark that I have come to respect.

Not all of our minds dwell in the depths of excruciating banality; it takes some of us a while to get from where we are to stupid. You clearly have a short leap to make.

May as well give up now, this fucker is just here to ruin it for the rest of us.

pigsheadonastick is likely never going to get it no matter how hard you try, so you may as well throw the towel in now and save yourself some effort for what really matters. Like making fun of Dexter writers.

The writers had it all planned out since season 1, remember?

I'm sure you would.

She farted a lot.

It's Stockholm Syndrome all over again.

@avclub-85ffb08f91a83b6566467b942828a560:disqus Try a tampon, it stops the bleeding.