
Who are you watching the show for then?

First of all, she could still have an abortion
Secondly, being pregnant does not preclude women from doing their jobs

Birth control is not 100 percent effective, BTW

I both agree and disagree - but look, I can use my words instead of the downvote, which is really just for spam and such

They're called fetuses

Why do people assume that it's only possible to take one pregnancy test per pregnancy, or that pregnancies never self terminate?

Yes, but it would still be a cliche - only career driven strong women have abortions, not the nice folks like on every other TV show that deals with it ever (TV Trope - woman goes for an abortion, changes her mind at the last minute, best decision she never made, happily ever after)

Or has an abortion

Haha, I actually looked that up and it seems unlikely, too bad

Pregnant women should just stay at home and think about babies

Does she live with her family or on her own?

Um —- why is Saul the sole owner of all they had together? Isn't it half hers? Or is this show set in the 50s?

I moved out when I was 16, worked full time, and successfully completed school - it's not unheard of.

How could she stop her?

Iran is a country not a person and therefore cannot hold any opinion at all

Yes I agree, it's honest to reveal a degree of attractiveness between older teenage girls and grown men - but as you demonstrate, it is how they react to it that matters. You acknowledge the reality of baser instincts without dwelling on them or espousing them.

I'll have to react in proper form later and I genuinely appreciate your insight but I have to say Ally McBeal does not represent any woman that I know!

What on earth makes you think that? Only one pregnancy test allowed per pregnancy where you come from?

Are you joking? We are just as bigoted here as anywhere.

There's this photo of a girl's face transposed on a voluptuous woman's body and women invariably called it out as being super pervy while men were mostly confused as to why - women looked at the face first then at the breasts and men got caught up with the breasts and didn't even see the face half the time. Of course