
For those that are real in to this sort of thing, there's a hidden track on the physical copy of the album. A little song about a Quickmart and a girl named Laura (or maybe that's not her name). I'm usually not the "i need a physical copy" type music guy, but there's a cute girl at the Best Buy and I like to make

I keep seeing this parallel from Ryan to Wilfred and Wilfred to Bear that they keep alluding to. Like Bear is Wilfred's Wilfred. For lack of better phrasing. It's more or less just a crazy theory I have (I don't even know what it would mean if it's true). But. One I keep getting reminded of. Which is neat.

I keep seeing this parallel from Ryan to Wilfred and Wilfred to Bear that they keep alluding to. Like Bear is Wilfred's Wilfred. For lack of better phrasing. It's more or less just a crazy theory I have (I don't even know what it would mean if it's true). But. One I keep getting reminded of. Which is neat.

The overall plotline felt like it moved so little. And I found the romance in the first 20 minutes or so cringe-worthy, which will probably always stay true as long as it's focused on teen romance in a post-apocalyptic world. I hope they lay off of it, or at least not lay it on so thick. I fear I'm becoming old and

The overall plotline felt like it moved so little. And I found the romance in the first 20 minutes or so cringe-worthy, which will probably always stay true as long as it's focused on teen romance in a post-apocalyptic world. I hope they lay off of it, or at least not lay it on so thick. I fear I'm becoming old and

Maybe the last episode, "Progress" was made a "Special Preview" BECAUSE it was less accessible than this one. Fans of the series, and those truly interested caught it. But FX promoted the heck out of this date, to get to this more accessible drawn back, improved version of much of last year's episodes. That way, all

Maybe the last episode, "Progress" was made a "Special Preview" BECAUSE it was less accessible than this one. Fans of the series, and those truly interested caught it. But FX promoted the heck out of this date, to get to this more accessible drawn back, improved version of much of last year's episodes. That way, all

From what I know, I think "Special Preview" was FX's way of spreading the word on the comedy, that's been a little lower rated than its other more high profile comedies.

From what I know, I think "Special Preview" was FX's way of spreading the word on the comedy, that's been a little lower rated than its other more high profile comedies.

The show has definitely figured out where it wants to go now. And if it gives us a lot more of "Progress" and "Identity" type episodes, I'll be more than happy.

The show has definitely figured out where it wants to go now. And if it gives us a lot more of "Progress" and "Identity" type episodes, I'll be more than happy.

Yup, I could definitely tell a shift in direction for the show's tone and story. Just by the endings to each episode tonight, which were both less gathering-and-being-happy and more dark foreshadowing of things to come. There's still a fair bit of cheese here, but it's welcome with the kind of story that's being told.

Yup, I could definitely tell a shift in direction for the show's tone and story. Just by the endings to each episode tonight, which were both less gathering-and-being-happy and more dark foreshadowing of things to come. There's still a fair bit of cheese here, but it's welcome with the kind of story that's being told.

My last episode last year was through Episode 6 ("Pride"), and I just got tired of dog-does-mean-things-to-his-friend-to-teach-him-a-lesson course the season had taken by then. And I missed out, supposedly on a change the last half of the season. The mythology and mysteries behind Wilfred's manifestation, and the

I like that idea. The Dean gets fired, gets replaced by TWO new deans whose names change constantly (Grips and PickleJar).

I like that idea. The Dean gets fired, gets replaced by TWO new deans whose names change constantly (Grips and PickleJar).

I see what you're saying, and maybe that would work. But I don't want Season 1 Community. Not because I hated it, or like meta and weird and dreamtoriums more. But because the characters have grown since then, and so has the show. If we get 13 episodes of crazy classes the students take, it will be a failure. Even if

I see what you're saying, and maybe that would work. But I don't want Season 1 Community. Not because I hated it, or like meta and weird and dreamtoriums more. But because the characters have grown since then, and so has the show. If we get 13 episodes of crazy classes the students take, it will be a failure. Even if

I'd almost rather give up on getting Harmon back and just ask the new showrunners to take him out to dinner. Gather his notes on season four. and do something similar to it (I know they're probably getting paid a bunch to NOT do what Harmon was going to do) but I mean. Story wise, character wise, i want Harmon's

I'd almost rather give up on getting Harmon back and just ask the new showrunners to take him out to dinner. Gather his notes on season four. and do something similar to it (I know they're probably getting paid a bunch to NOT do what Harmon was going to do) but I mean. Story wise, character wise, i want Harmon's