Long time listener

Can we stop calling Stephen Lang Avatar?. I like and use the trope almost as much as the next poster but he deserves better. Not his fault he was hired to reproduce his Avatar character. He's still Cime Story to me.

They said how old Skye was in the pilot, can't care enough to remember or research.
If they don't get to the fireworks factory soon I'm stopping

Write it down: you can't go wrong apealing to the ego of a rich guy

Robotic. without emotion.

CSI Miami was hilarious from the first Pete Townsend riff.

They need to bring back the douche jarr. Schmidt (sorry actor-dude) is really funny.

Famous person X…. dead is my new answer to that question

Uhmmm I think the comparison is fair. She's her own person but the look is there

The romantacism if their escape was no more skeevy than the Mars' family "who's your daddy?" on Veronica Mars.

In dog years, older than MadeLein Stowe and yet he (she?) looks even more uncannily young than her

Needed to show the senator's public humiliations to fully pay off. Maybe we'll see echoes in future episodes

Since it didn't work, I'd say they were using the tvesque trope as a mis-direct to great effect (affect?). Also given how unreliable his trigger mechanism was he's obviously no expert

Dammit Skylar, making me smoke and OMG to ricin revelation ( and then a fee more times as Jesse/Walter break down the possible how's)
Only 1 more hour, end times indeed

More Lance Reddick the better but considering how powerful emotionally and narratively E2 Broyles death was it feels like a cheat to bring him back. Withholding final judgment until we get some meat and potatoes on how the new timeline (supposedly) works. And where's Massive Dynamic and it's connected characters?

Odenkirk nailed it

All due respect to Mr. Cranston, but now all I want to see is:
AMC's Breaking Bad staring Bob Newhart.

Since no one else has brought it up Indy/backpack/ non-commercial hip-hop, whatever we're calling it.
Tons of great artists, usually with an ability to bring it live.
Considering Hip-Hop is the dominant commercial music of the time (and it mostly sucks) one of these should have been able to get over.

Ruby Vroom was a great record, but I never yelled with the follow ups

Jordan: the comeback never goes out of rotation at my house

You should check out Huevos Rancheros, you would definitly love them