Long time listener

Kind of agree on album.
Seeing him on his last tour sucked a lot of the love away though. Just sad with the occasional moment to point out how sad the rest of the show was

It was the blurst of times.
Actually tried to get to Toronto for that gig.
That said the las time they played Vancouver was at the Media Club, which might hold 200 people. They did play 5 consecutive nights, but they were never as big as they should have been even in Canadia.
Must have albums ( and they are an album

Too cool. He'd make it look like something to aspire to.
Like identity theft, casual murder and no-draw fast draw.

Since no one else has mentioned it his band Dead Man's Bones is chaw-some!

Agreed with the Rheostatics. And therefore I must go and listen to your other choices (& give Babe the Blue Ox another try)

Bold move my friend

not enough

I know AMC is ssuppoaed to be broke/cheap but they should have sucked the fines up

She researched money laundering on Wikipedia from home on a presumably wireless laptop. Despite her frequent proclamations about being careful, she's clueless to what that actually means

When you type it out it does sound like what you're saying. In the moment of watching it played fine for me.

my kind of people

I think the best way to see horror films is incredibly hung over. Easily bumps any movie up a letter grade. Shaky hand held camera can be a problem though

You should, it's pretty good

The King's "fukkity fuc cock" Speach

That's the first R movie that wasn't R up here, but probably should have been, I know I was a little young when I saw it in the theater

Rumble in the BRonx was an R were you grew up? Your parents obviously had no respect for the local censors and therefor ignored their opinions.

Start with the so over the top Opening graphics/Trinity heist, then as you outlined

yeah man up!
just kidding, that's dcene still pretty effective.
When I was six the flying monkeys of Oz were enough for me to demand that the movie be turned off.
 The fire pit scene would probably have made me demand the movie be turned off,  the theater be burned down and the earth salted.

Aliens was an R too?

Sleepy Hallow was R? wow.
Surely Christopher Walken was memorable