
Breaking Bad is my favorite show by a large margin but I've never seen an episode of Friday Night Lights. Even if I haven't really cared for sports themed entertainment in the past would I still enjoy it? I love BB, The Wire, Archer, AD, P&R, Sopranos, will I be able to look past all the sports stuff?



My thoughts exactly, it's so obvious!

I'm sorry, was I the only one who thought Roger was speaking to the sugar cube when he mentioned Leary because the acid hadn't kicked in yet and he thought it didn't do anything? He mistakenly attributed LSD's creation to Leary when Leary simply popularized it. Albert Hoffman was the man who discovered it,

The lack of any number of Queens of the Stone Age songs on this list is a terrible oversight.

Me First and the Gimmi Gimmie's or GTFO.

A 9 volt battery powering the PCB won't last more than a day.