Itinerant Serf


Y'know what would rock?
If Justin Timberlake, Robin Williams, Zach Braff, Jay Leno and Pete Wentz collaborated on a video tribute to Barack Obama. That would totally rock.

Speaking of ducktales, I heard that Uncle Scrooge was also inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame last night.

Is the figure in the picture telling someone to "shh" or making the "everything's a-ok" sign??? Also, what is an obzen?

Myself, i'm starting a band called "Fantasy-creature-plus-normal-thing". Our debut album will be called "Album".

"on the disney channel in your mind"!!! HA!!! nice one!

Yeah, right…..Next you'll tell me that living is easy with eyes closed….

the 21st???
What will kill my buzz until then???

Doesn't that picture look as though right when it was taken they were both saying,"Oh no you didN'T!!!"???

Ugh. I'm glad that i've never seen that episode. It sounds like that sketch is something some one in kindergarten would come up with.

Saying that right up front was a great idea. Now you've already pointed all that out right there before all the grammar-crazy folks who seem to frequent this site can get a chance to point out that you used a subordinate clause with a dangling modifier or whatever.

Was Soupy Sales the guy that got in trouble because he told all the kids that watch his show to send him a dollar from their parents' wallet and a lot of them actually did it? Or was that someone else?

That there little critter is creepy-looking!!!

Well, Mike Huckabee will have a lot of time to see it since his campaign for president failed.

Ouch! Take that, Toronto!!! HA!!!

I think you answeed your own question there.
Any film that not only stars Will Smith but features him 'hitting on mannequins and reciting Shrek at vast length' is already doomed.

Wait, I thought that she did do a song called "rattlesnake"…
…and it was a love song to stone cold steve austin…

Y'know who they should get to do an episode?
Judd Apatow. Or maybe Larry David. Somebody fun like that.

I haven't seen this movie in years…
…and all i really remember about it is Geena Davis being half-naked a lot in it…

So Paul and Aziz take turns in the David Cross role?
Does that mean that we'll be seeing them in the equivalent of 'Alvin and the Chipmunks' in a few years???