Itinerant Serf

I wonder….
When he said "seagulls" did he mean members of the band 'flock of seagulls'?

So is that bit about "my google" that you mentioned the reason that this is a d+ and not an f?

So it goes.

They don't have souls??? The allmusic guide offices have been taken over by vampires??? Oh no!!!! Run for your life!!! The tweed jacketed pipe smokers are coming to drink our blood!!!!!

Of course not! That was a silly question.

…I wonder what that Fatty Arbuckle short they mentioned is like…

Danger Mouse
I remember the episode of Danger Mouse where Baron Greenback sent Danger Mouse and Penfold back in time. That was a great show.

….now that his name has been covered, I am certain that we can all move the dialogue on this message board in loftier, more enlightened directions….

HAHAHAHAHA, oh that is so funny….
…that his real name is Melvin L. Kauznovski!!!!!……oh, wait, no it isn't….never mind…

Sufferin' succotash!!!

So why is there a picture of Janis the muppet there?

But if Preparation Heche was doing one of those "first" things, it could've been good advertising for those "firsties" t-shirts which someone said will be coming out soon…

I bet I know how this ends.
Professor Williams is really someone who wanted to buy up some land near the college and thus decided to pose as a professor and come up with scary logic problems to frighten everyone away and drive the price of the land down. In the final scene of the story, Mary, her dog, and two of her

A schoolyard rap-off??? The three main characters pretty much completely ripped off from ones in another movie? This sounds just about as bad as possible. Every line in the previews seems like a lame cliche. That creepy kid from the ring would be better off if that evil dead girl from the well got him. Poor

A warm bucket of what?
The thought of a politician who was holding that high of an office letting themselves be quoted using language like that is sort of odd.

You're an inspiration to us all

I understand completely
I don't want to be called "J-Lo" either

The worst novel you ever read, fibberglass? Wow. Now that I think about it, "excellent" was putting it rather strongly but I don't think the book was that bad. Oh well. I suppose we're all entitled to our opinions. So what's Macauley Culkin's book like? (ugh, that one does sound pretty bad)

I dunno
I love film noir movies and I love Otto Preminger's work but this sounds pretty bad.

'The Milli Vanilli fan club'? 'Failing remedial P.E.'? All of those sound like jokes that a character on a show about a writer for a terrible show would use or something. It is hard to imagine seriously someone coming up with all that and thinking,"Yeah, this is great!!! I think we've got the next big hit