John Cazale

All of you are kidding yourselves! 94% of teenagers are already bored with anal and they're on the Crack! And that goes special for YOUR kid! And if you're one of 6% who aren't I don't know what's wrong with you, baby. Loosen up.

@wolfmansRazor "When a reasonably attractive stranger shows up at your door, and asks to use your bathroom to change into her Sexy Ladybug costume, you don't turn her away."

"Also, aren't they the only animals outside of primates that practice prostitution?"

"Also true, penguins can be gay. Also, me pretty sure they support socialized medicine."

I don't know. I was ready to scoff but the whole idea is so convincing on its face. We should all be like penguins. Everyone line up behind me. Time to start waddling single file.

"I've been unfair there really, the film itself isn't disingenuous, it's the way that right-wing religious types have co-opted the film that's disingenuous. Guess I shouldn't really blame Freeman for that. But I do."

I didn't know Queen Latifah's speaking voice was that distinctive. What's that? Fake John Goodman? Sold.
"[David Price], you're out of your element."
"Say what you will about the tenets of [the Tea Party], at least it's an ethos."

"I'm just sick of shows where some unsuspecting 9-5 schmuck (with Hollywood good looks) stumbles upon, and becomes the centre of, some inane conspiracy that invariably becomes more ludicrous and contrived as the writers realise they had no workable plan to begin with."

"'Real Killers of Blonde Chicks' will always be good for ratings, at least."

"Coming soon to NBC:

If anything, wasn't the surprise twist "We were afraid of these guys? They're pushovers." (No French jokes, please.) Not that I'm opposed to a revisionist interpretation of Henry V. Absent the context of Henry IV isn't it generally considered hagiographic? Then again, didn't we already have a sci-fi revisionist

But, you realize that means that Depardieu will be Falstaff, right?

Poor David Andrews
Guy gives his all to turn what could've otherwise been a jokey scene about not having any balls into a sympathetic human moment in Fight Club and ten years later were it not for a name drop from the director whatever compliments he received would've gone to that "very fine, but not well-known

"But for all his wiles there's one thing the young monarch has overlooked.
Just as he's prepared to do whatever it takes to ensure victory, so is his enemy…"

Would it be crass to say that the article seems to be implying that what you're missing in order to be able to find her worthy of her own TV show is the placement of your penis (or whatever substitute erogenous zone) in one of her orifices?

It's just lucky for us there's a guy with the superpower of .. uh, insomnia without side effects .. or else we'd never have known about this one.

But as any electric car could tell you, when a woman thinks you're one she immediately invites you back to her apartment to watch her change and invite you to cop a feel. That's an advantage that eco-activists have failed to promote.

Well, in the first one it was vaguely location-based, sure. Wasn't the Evil Multinational Corporation in the second one named "Manchurian?"

"She's going to win, you know. She is a replicant you know. Just set her from 'pleasure' to 'skate.' (Although, the fact that 'skate' is right next to 'kill,' and I think the dial is a little off, could make for a fun show.)"

And how does this side?