Douche Tarkington

…I really enjoy her music, and I think she's talented and all, but the more I hear about her personal life, she seems a touch crazy. Not that that's a bad thing, just…worth noting.

TM: I'm mocking people who MUST announce to all the AV Club that they never heard of thing X. It's either some sort of credibility play, or the most useless contribution to a conversation.

Hey, you supercool kids who are always so proud of never having heard of any uncool things: have any of you received your medals yet in the mail? Are they really cool, and made of some alloy I've probably never heard of? Are they heavy? I can't wait for mine!

Or maybe you all just like shitty movies. I mean, so do I, but I own it, bitches.

You're an idiot.

Awesome, a Leverage troll.

Oh dude you're really not missing anything with Puppets Who Kill. It's a little better than the embarassing shit that passes for Canadian sketch comedy these days, but is still totally missable.

Love Magnolia. I get how it's not everyone's thing, for sure. But if it catches you in the right emotional state, it will take up permanent residence in your soul. Sort of think of it like the filmic equivalent of a Kate Bush song: it's grandiose and operatic and a bit overcooked, but clearly so deeply felt and

Met 'em. Dated one. Field report: Fuckin' RUN!

Also: Joni Mitchell.

I heard "brides", and I'm sticking with it. Mine is better.

I want that hobo dead…
…and whoever kills him GETS ALL OF MY BRIDES!

ACTUALLY, your opinion is not a fact, and you come off like six different flavours of tool, when you act like you don't know that.

Aaaand that list tells me everything I need to know about your "op", thanks!

Oh right because the Office totally invented those tropes.

I stand behind my claim of a proficiency with spelling.

Ryan Hansen was also the best-kept secret on Veronica mars for the same reason. Especiallones they started draining Logan Echolls of any remotely interesting character traits and replacing it all with pure liquid emo.

Also I can totally spell

Starded watching near the end of last season…
…on the recommendation of someone here I believe. To see the heavy hitters of the Veronica Mars writing staff unfettered by network restrictions makes me weep at what that show could have been…it's very rare a show's comedy goes too dark for me, but Party Down managed it

Um…also: here's the actual link, heh.