Pim Scutney

Yeah, that's very true. I guess I could try the DC or Marvel ones, but as you say, there was something nice about basically playing a blank slate. With no Superman or Spider-man in sight, Dangerman was Paragon City's premier superhero as far as I'm concerned.

I feel for this guy. I still get terribly nostalgic for City of Heroes. I miss playing with the friends I made on there, I miss Dangerman and Shining Wizard and Thunderkiss and all my other characters, I miss roaming the streets of Skyway City and King's Row and Steel Canyon, I even miss the atmospheric start-up

And yet George C. Scott did appear in a film with Patrick Ewing and Fabio. Where's the justice in this world?

C-, huh? Sandler must've roused himself from his perpetual nap long enough to put in a tiny bit of effort if the movie landed such a high grade. That's the equivalent of winning an Oscar for a Happy Madison production.

Astronaut Mark Watney?

It's kinda hard to take any movie about income inequality seriously when it stars Julia Roberts, who just made $3 million for four days work on "Mother's Day" and lives in Taos, New Mexico, home of the super-rich like her and a Native American community so desperately poor that its main source of income is opening up

I guess it's technically pre-kill, but my favorite has always been Bond's "That's a Smith & Wesson, and you've had your six" from Dr. No. Just so goddamn cold blooded. Although, as was pointed out on James Bonding, Dent probably had a lot of info he could've spilled had Bond not been so intent on murdering him on

Just the look on Raylans' face when he holds Quarles' arm away from him after it's been chopped off in the season 3 finale should qualify as a one-liner.

In the next movie, he's going to have Oracle dragged down the street and beheaded by a crazed mob. It's going to be such a fucking blast!

Well every human only has so many shits he or she can give, and clearly, Zack's shits are entirely devoted to rolling around on a giant pile of cash while laughing uncontrollably about the long con he's pulled on Warner Bros.

And Snyder said he had Jimmy executed because it would be "fun."

Mitchell's 1939 might just be the best year any actor had ever. And while he won the Oscar for Stagecoach, I think Only Angels Have Wings was actually his best performance. Sure, he was very good as drunken Doc Boone, but that part didn't call for anywhere near the depth that he plumbed as Kid Dabb. If all he had

For the rest of my life, I'll want hair like Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. had in Gunga Din. That is one perfectly coiffed 'do.

A few months ago, MeTV (or was it Antenna TV? Can't remember which of those rerun channels) showed The Patty Duke Show every morning, and it was a delightfully silly way to greet the day. Alas, now they show Mr. Ed or Dennis the Menace or some other such shit in that time slot. Wish Patty and Cathy would come back.

Yesterday, Bill Gray tweeted that Judd Apatow and Martin Starr had already made the perfect tribute to Garry, and linked the scene in Freaks & Geeks with Haverchuck alone at home, eating dinner & laughing his ass off to a vintage clip of Garry's stand up, all set to The Who's "I'm One." It's always been a

I'm having fun imagining just how quickly Harrison Ford got irritated-to-the-point-of-assault of Jack Whitehall. I'd put the over/under on 45 seconds.

I go to Zack Snyder for history the same way that I go to Zack Snyder for tonally accurate and entertaining Superman movies.

The tagline for this movie should be "From Jeff Nichols, the Only Director Who Casts Michael Shannon as Decent Human Beings."

It seems bizarre to me that anybody would grow up as a Scientologist, as they would a Catholic or a Lutheran or whatever. I've always just thought of it as a weird celebrity cult, but I guess its tentacles extend farther than Hollywood royalty and the few suckers who financially support them.

In other words, Scientology is like pretty much every other religion. Got it.