I disparage thee.
I disparage thee.
That is absolutely true.
That is absolutely true.
"We No Who U R"
"We No Who U R"
This album slays.
This album slays.
Ima fuckin rape n kill u mfers 4 tkin shiiiiit bout ma boi @lennykravitz! #repostedteambreezycomments
Ima fuckin rape n kill u mfers 4 tkin shiiiiit bout ma boi @lennykravitz! #repostedteambreezycomments
Someone needs to create a "Reposted #TeamBreezy Comment" account posthaste.
Someone needs to create a "Reposted #TeamBreezy Comment" account posthaste.
Chris Brown fan threats against Jenny Johnson highlights:
Chris Brown fan threats against Jenny Johnson highlights:
Noel going Paleo? Good luck with that. I couldn't live long without cheese, the destroyer of all diets.
Noel going Paleo? Good luck with that. I couldn't live long without cheese, the destroyer of all diets.
The twitter account would be pretty sweet though.