
I see your box office is as big as mine.

Star Wars: Terrible Overnight Policing

Very fonty.

If it's set in 1968, I'm assuming the master will be Nixon.

Also, I love how happy those little fuckers make my 3 year-old.

2 hours of little blobs speaking in gibberish actually has the potential to be a pretty subversive satire of the state of family entertainment.

Wasn't Caitlin PenzeyMoog one of the bank assistants who turned out to be a spy for V.F.D. or something?

"Jedi tenant"

The thing that got me was that it really wasn't very long ago that AVC published a link to the damned casting video where Siddig introduces himself as Doran Martell.

"An actor who's presumably playing Doran Martell?"

It's true. These Ghostbusters have no dick.

What is this "Lathos" you speak of? Is it like pathos?

Of all the sketches you'd want to steal…

"I got hit by a truck from Walmart."
"Oh my gosh, Brian, that's terrible!"
"It's OK, I had it coming."
"Hey, fuck you, Parrot."

I have an actor friend who shares both his first and last name with an EXTREMELY famous living actor/comedian. The guy (not the friend), across all demographics, is probably one of the 20 or so most famous actors - male or female - in America. My friend doesn't seem to mind - he's a fan. I do wonder if it played a

What on Earth are you doing in a Taco Casa?

That depends. Is his grave in space?

My uncle was a one-hit wonder in the 70s. His band Toby Beau had a song "My Angel Baby" that was #1 on the Easy Listening chart and somewhere in the teens on the Pop chart. He's still at it today, playing several nights a week under the name. Made a nice life for his family off of one big single.

This movie is weirdly mesmerizing, and only partly because Paz Vega is wandering around in it. I can totally imagine a toxic upper-class white people family in LA behaving like this. I watched it in a hotel.

I just watched that bullshit for 5 minutes, thinking it was a link to a pre-recorded video of people *actually* almost getting hit by a bus.