
What a trailblazer for women in comedy. Too many people only know her from red-carpet shows. RIP.

Can we just change all headlines even remotely related to this to read "Justin Verlander Butt Pics?"

A studio film with semi-big names that is "in theaters September 12" is almost never a good sign.

I've never seen The Lion King.

An anagram of CAPSLOCK is COCKSLAP.. I just realized that.

Wouldn't it be a lot more consistent with the point of satire if Facebook labeled such posts "NOT SATIRE"

He's a "that guy"

Dude, it's the concierge from the Slimer scene in Ghostbusters!

I can imagine the difference in tone between the two films will be stark.

Thanks, Marah.

He gave so much joy to so many people, and for so long, that he didn't have any of it left for himself. This is heartbreaking.

I'm really glad that Dan Radcliffe doesn't appear to have gotten Skywalker'd. Seems like an interesting kid with a lot of interesting film roles ahead of him.

Pictured: Lee Pace as Ronan the Accuser

Nothing says realism like furrowed Kevlar.

Why would he take the time to furrow the cowl's brow?

Winner is coming.

They should let Wright do a run of the comic.

You wouldn't last a day on the Creek, O'Neal.

How about Lone Wolf and Cub: Baby Cart in the Land of Demons

Something I have in common with very few people is that Order of the Phoenix (book 5) is my favorite of the Harry Potter books. It's long, yes, but by way of that it avoids a lot of the awkward dei ex machina and coincidences that were Rowling's stock in trade in that series. I thought it had the most organic and