
We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

Good against a remote is one thing. Good against a hydraulic door, that's something else.

Solo Solo: A young Corellian's autoerotic journey from Milan to Minsk

Any Mexican food contest with no San Antonio entrants is laughable, man.


GRRM should make Grenn The Prince who was Promised in the books, just to completely ruin the TV show.

The more I think about it, the weirder that choice gets. Assuming Sam, Maester Aemon, and Gilly are off to Oldtown in one of the first episodes of the 5th season, Jon's only friend left in the Watch is Dolorous Edd, all so that the "Battle Episode" could have a couple of poignant character deaths. SPOILERS It makes

And, in the books Grenn and Pyp have a lot to do with hustling votes for Jon when he becomes LC. They are (were) two of his only real friends. I will also miss the dynamic between those two and Jon from the books after he becomes commander and they're bitter about his not being "one of the guys" any more.

The Fuck do you mean we haven't been acquainted with the guys guarding the gate? You've just never noticed Grenn?

I'm looking for a Cock Knocker angle, but it's really hard. Literally.

::scans beetnemesis's posts::

I wait weeks at a time to shout "He is Vago!" to a Vago-written Ghostbusters blurb, and Modell has to go and cock it up.

*especially* now that they added a fifth member

Spoon is too big.

During the Austin show for BSS's self-titled album tour, those two were PDAing pretty shamelessly on stage. It was a little bit uncomfortable.

When did Kevin Drew become Homeless Bono?

Speaking of Josh Trank, I'd really like to see Dane DeHaan using the Dark Side. Like Chronicle, with Force lightning.

Should be just enough time to digitally reinsert Channing Tatum's eyebrows.


That's one hell of a javelina, Jackie.